Run Away Now

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*Kimberly's POV*

"I know what I have to do." I breathed out, my hands shaking.Taylor nodded and squeezed my shoulder, as if  she could read my mind.

"Well whatever you do, and whatever happens just know I'll be here for you Kimberly. I love you K." She said.

I pulled her into a tight hug, letting a few tears run down my face. I didn't know what was going to after after today, but one thing I knew is that no matter what happened, I would have Taylor. I know I wouldn't have gotten through everything in the past year if it wasn't for Taylor.

"Thank you." I said, wiping away one last tear as I pulled away from Taylor.

"For what?" Taylor asked the corners of her mouth twitching up a little bit as she looped her arm through mine.

"For always being there. Through the good, and the bad. I never imagined I'd have such a great friend, and I really never imagined that that great friend would be you."

She smiled and hugged me awkwardly, her arm still looped through mine. She hugged me close, making some of my fears and doubts go away somehow.

"I will always be here for you Kimberly. You're like my little sister, and whether this works out or not, I know you will find someone who makes you happy, whether that person is Zayn or not, but I know he's out there for you. Nobody deserves to be happy as much as you do." She said.

I smiled a little and she squeezed my hand and asked "Ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded and she started gently leading me forward toward the beautiful white church decorated with pretty flowers of all colors. But too me it just looked like a leak haunted mansion.

Taylor squeezed my hand and pushed the door open, ushering me inside.

"So how are you and Ed?" I asked in an effort to distract myself as everyone ambled around, chatting amicably. 

Taylor laughed a little, blushing slightly. I smiled, knowing that she was happy, even if she tried not to flaunt it in my face.

We all first met Ed Sheeran through Zayn, Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall. They were all best friends, and they wanted us all to hang out. I remembered how excited they all were when Ed was going to the same awards show that we were all going to, and agreed to come over the night before to just hang out so that we could all get to know each other.

I could tell right away that there was something special about Taylor and Ed the moment they locked eyes on each other. They both just lit up, and I think I knew even before they did that they were meant to be together.

After 3 months of them texting and skyping he finally showed up at our tour bus and asked Taylor if she would go out with him. I smiled at the memory, remembering all the double dates we had went on together.

"Well it's actually really great, I think well, I think he may be thinking about proposing, but I don't know, I could be wrong,  mean why would he..." She trailed off, biting her lip.

I smiled slightly and patted her shoulder "Tay you're just being silly! I wouldn't be surprised if he is! He loves you more than anything, anybody can see that! Now stop doubting it and just accept you finally found the love you deserve!"

She laughed a little and squeezed my arm "Thanks KK! now let's go find our seats and get this over with!"

I nodded, the feeling of dread creeping up on me. Taylor put her arm around my shoulders in support and led me into the chapel. 

 There was of course a group of paparazzi at the entrance to the chapel being held back by a huge group of security guards all dressed in black. As soon as the paparazzi saw Taylor and I they started going insane, grabbing at me and shouting questions about Zayn and I's relationship, causing tears to fall.

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now