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*Taylor's POV*

"I just, I don't know what to do anymore Taylor." Kimberly sobbed, and I hugged her, not knowing what to say, What advice could I give her?!

I frowned as I watched Kimberly toss and turn in her sleep, her cheeks still wet from when she had cried herself to sleep 10 minutes ago. I had tried to tell her she didn't have to go to the wedding, but she insisted. I couldn't just let her go alone, so we're sharing a hotel room in Paris, where the wedding is.

I tried to distract her earlier by taking her site seeing, but she was almost like a zombie, her eyes slightly glazed over as she tried to fake a smile as I took her to a few theme parks and the Eiffel Tower.

I sighed as I sat up, thinking of everything. I remember all too well that night she had gotten the call from Zayn. She fell apart like I'd never seen anyone. But it wasn't something I could ever judge her for.

Especially after everything that she has been through, with all of the guys who treated her so horribly, and especially after the abuse she endured from Joe, She had told me herself that she didn't even know if love could exist anymore, that all it did was break and burn.

But for a while, she seemed to rethink everything. I remember a few weeks before the call she had just gotten back from a date with Zayn, I remember how she had raved about how he had taken her  to this cute little restaurant, and then for a walk by the beach before they went to see this movie, and I couldn't help but smile, it was amazing to see her this happy. She deserved it more than anyone else.

What she said next would always be etched in my mind.

"Taylor?" She asked, from her spot on the floor of the hotel room, laying on her stomach in a cocoon of pillows as we watched a marathon of chick flicks, starting with P.S. I Love You, since that was her favorite.

"Yeah?" I asked, tearing my attention away from the screen. Kimberly was right, this movie really was amazing!

"Well umm.... I don't.. it's just.." She stammered, a big grin on her face.

I paused the movie and laughed a little at how she was acting.

"What is it? Why are you so smiley?!" I asked, pinching her cheek, making her groan.

"It's just, well, I think you were right." She said, grinning.

"About what?"

"That maybe true love really does exist. I mean after Joe and everything, you know I just, I couldn't believe in it, I mean how could it really exist?! But now..." She trailed off, smiling.

I grinned and patted her shoulder "You have Zayn?" I prompted, grinning.

"Yeah. Now I have Zayn, and it's just, he's even More than I ever imagined. I mean he's always there for me, and he's just the sweetest, and I think, I really think he could be the one Taylor." She said, and then a look of doubt crossed her face "Is that crazy to think that?!" She asked.

I laughed a little and smiled, squeezing her shoulder.

"Of course it's not crazy! I'm so glad that you have him in your life! If anyone deserves true love, it's you. And I've seen you two together, and how you look at him, and how he looks at you. All I can say is that's something that's so beautiful about it. I think you could be right."

Kimberly grinned, and we spent the rest of the day watching all these Romantic Comedies, and I smiled even wider seeing how happy Kimberly was. I just hoped that we were both right.

I frowned at the thought as I heard Kimberly sniffle in her sleep. As much as she tried to prove to everyone otherwise, I knew she had never truly gotten over Zayn. But who can blame her? She thought he was her future, he was her first true love, and for that to end, without any real explanation, that's devastating.

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now