Today was a fairytale

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*Kimberly's POV*

I still can't believe that Taylor really thinks I'm talented. I've always loved singing, but I nver really thought I was good enough to sing in front of other people. It's always been my dream to have a singing career. but I never really thought that I could ever manage it. But Taylor gave me the confidence to chase it. And I haven't even known her personally for that long! I was now determined to make my dream come true. My reverie was broken when Taylor tapped my shoulder and said "We're here!!" with a smile. I smiled back and said "I just want to thank you for everything Taylor. It's always been my dream to become a singer, but I never believed that I was good enough to even try. Thanks to you I have enough confidence to finally chase my dream. I don't know what else to say except thank you from the bottom of my heart." Taylor teared up, and crushed me into a hug, and said "Aww honey you're so sweet!, and then she pulled me back so that she was looking me in the eyes and said "You ARE good enough, and you're worth it. Your dream will come true if you make it happen, and remember you're not alone. I'm always here for you." I had to hold back my tears when she said this. I never imagined that my hero the Taylor Swift would ever be standing near me, let alone saying something like this to me. Then Taylor froze and said "I almost forgot!! I emailed videos of you singing to Scott and he loved them!! He wants to sign you to Big Machine!!" My jaw dropped, and I suddenly felt dizzy. I grabbed onto the back of the chair, and let my head clear. "WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I screamed and Taylor smiled and said "Of course!" I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. We walked into the arena, and I started dancing around like a 6 year old, and everyone stared at me, so I of course just did it more. Taylor laughed and joined me. Then I heard a new set of voices. "Is that Taylor?" I looked and saw that the voice belonged to a cute guy with slightly curly brown hair. and a cute boy with blonde hair, and blue eyes said "That looks like fun!!! But you know what would be more fun?! NANDOS!!" The other 3 boys laughed, and a boy with dark curled hair, and gorgeous green eyes screamed "LOOK BOO BEAR!! A DANCE PARTY!! LET"S JOIN!!" The guy who the curly haired guy was wearing a striped shirt, with suspenders, and was munching on a carrot. He had the cutest smile and said "Great idea Hazza!!!"And him and the curly haired boy, bith started dancing around with us, using the most random and spazzy dance moves as possible. I looked and saw the most handome guy ever. He had dark hair that was in a quiff, and dark eyes that were so easy to get lost in. When we had finally had enough We stopped, and laughed hysterically with everyone else. Taylor laughed and looked at me and said "Kimberly, this is One Direction. They've agreed to do a few shows with me!" I smiled could it get any better than this?! Just as I though that, the 5 boys, who may I mention were the most attractive guys I have ever seen, converged on me. A boy with brown hair, and dark eyes smiled at me and it was hard not get lost in his eyes. "Hi love, I'm Liam, Liam Payne." I smiled and expected him to shake my hand, but like Taylor, he pulled me into a hug instead. Then the curly haired guy with the gorgeous green eyes pushed him away and said "Liam! You're hogging the pretty girl!" He winked and said "My name's Harry, Harry Styles." I laughed and he pulled me into a hug. It was easy to tell he was the flirt of the group. The cute guy with the spiky brown hair, wearing suspenedrs grinned at me, and screamed into my ear "HI!! I'm Louis!! But you can call me Boo Bear, but only if..., DO YOU LIKE CARROTS?!" what the heck?! all the other guys laughed, and I found my gaze trained on the dark haied guy. Suddenly he looked at me and smiled. I dropped my gaze and answered Louis "Umm yeah I love carrots and Boo Bear??" Louis grinned and picked me up into a hug and spun me around "Yay!!! She's officially approved!!" I laughed as the blonde haired boy with blue eyes as clear as the ocean smiled and said "I'm Niall!!" I smiled at him and said "So I guess you like Nandos?"he laughed and said "Like? I LOVE Nandos!!!!!" I laughed and he hugged me. Then the dark haired guy was standing right in front of me. He was obviously quiter than the others. I could tell I was holding my breath. I felt so weird. I've never felt like this before. Could it be... NO! I've only just met him. He smiled at me and I nearly melted. He took my hand and kissed it and said "I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik." Wow. Who knew that the day that started out pretty bad. would go this way. Today really was a Fairytale.

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now