The Concert

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Authorrs Note- Sorry this is so short, have to leave for work soon, I might post some more later! :) I'd really appreciate some feedback and ideas, I'd love to know what you think so far! :) Thanks for reading :)

*Kimberly's POV*

I waved as One Direction left to rehearse, and still couldn't get over Zayn. He had such pretty eyes! WOAh I just met him!! I can't like him already!! I was shaken out of my internal argument when Taylor threw her arm around me and said "Ahh young love!!" Everyone laughed as I blushed and said "Taylor! I just met him!!" Taylor laughed and said "So! Can you honestly tell me you don't like him? I saw the way you two were looking at each other!" I had probably now reached the color of a tomato and Jennifer was laughing her butt off at me. And I thought she teased me a lot!! I didn't answer, which made Taylor grin mischeiviously. "I don't like where this is going..." I whined Taylor laughed and said "I promise I won't meddle, but you two are so cute!!" We all laughed, and then it was time for Taylor to get ready to soundcheck. She directed us to seats in the front row to watch, and once she was satisfied that we were settled, she waved as she made her way backstage to meet with her band.

*Taylor's POV*

As I got back stage, I found Liz and Caitlyn and Liz squealed "Did you see Kimberly and Zayn?! They're so cute!!!!" I laughed and said "Yes!!! They're so sweet!! But I don't think Kimberly's going to do anything about it. And I promised I wouldn't meddle." Liz and Caitlyn both frowned, but then Caitlyn's face lit up, and she said "You may have, but Liz and I didn't." I laughed and said "We may need help." Just then Harry, Louis, and Niall passed us. And that was when the idea started forming in my mind. "Hey Niall, Louis, Harry, Do you think you could help us with something?" They sauntered over curiously, and as Liz, Caitlyn, and I finished telling them our plan, grins slowly slid over their faces. Louis screamed "I"m in!" and Harry and Niall both nodded. "This is going to be fun!" Louis screamed, and then a voice came from behind "What's going to be fun?" I turned around to find Zayn standing there. SHOOT! Think Taylor, Think! "Surprising Kimberly tonight!" Zayn grinned and nodded and said "I can't wait to hear her sing!" I smiled and said "She's great you'll love it!!" He nodded, and him and the rest of the boys nodded and walked away. As soon as they were gone, Caitlyn said "Well that was close!" I nodded, and then went out on stage to do soundcheck. It was so fun to see Kimberly dancing around, and singing along, and I just couldn't wait to see her reaction to the 2 surprises we have planned for tonight!

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now