Sparks Fly

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*Zayn's POV*

I was rushing thorugh the hotel room with Liam's voice chasing me through the walls "Get ready Zayn!! We're going to be late!!" I sighed and finished fixing my hair. Now it was perfect. I finally stepped into the hall andmet the four other boys. Niall wailed "I'm hungry!!!" as we made our way to the back enterance where our tour bus was going to pick us up. "Where are we going again?" I asked tiredly. "To the arena! You know we promised Taylor we'd sing with her for a few shows!" We all brightened at that, because Taylor Swift is a great friend of ours, and we haven't seen her in a while. "YAY!" Louis randomly screamed and he bounced up and down like a two year old. I just rolled my eyes as Niall laughed, and Harry copied Louis. Liam gave them a stern look and said "We're in a hotel! People are sleeping right now! Shut it!" I laughed and Louis and Harry calmed down a bit and Louis pouted and said "Sorry dad" We all laughed and Harry pretended to fake cry and Louis hugged him and looked at Liam and said "You did not just make my baby cry!!" We all laughed and Liam just shook his head. We boarded the bus and rode toward the arena. It wasn't a long drive, but we were still running late. We were rushed through the gate, and scanned the area for Taylor. It didn't take long to spot her. She was with a group of some girls and I came to abrupt halt when a girl started randomly dancing around. Taylor laughed and joined her, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the other girl. She had beautiful long brown hair that cascaded down her back, and she was wearing a Taylor Swift T-shirt and jean shorts. She is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen! I couldn't help but smile as I watched her. Niall noticed and said "Wow Zayn, take a picture, it will last longer." I chuckled, and noticed that he couldn't take his eyes off of the other girl in the group, who had blonde hair that fell to her shoulders, and blue-green eyes. She was pointing and lughing at the girl who caught my eye. I smiled again and said "You shouldn't be one to talk Niall!!" He laughed and As I was going to suggest that we introduce ourselves to them. I looked back to see Harry and Louis wrestling on the floor, and Liam trying to break it up. Harry finally got bored, and rolled away and stood up. Liam got up and smiled and pointed at the group and asked "Is that Taylor?" Niall nodded and said "That looks like fun, but you know what would be more fun?! NANDOS!!" I laughed as Harry screamed "LOOK BOO BEAR!! A DANCE PARTY!! LET'S JOIN!!" I laughed as Louis screamed Great idea Hazza!!" and they both started dancing around like idiots. We all started laughing and when they finally got tired, The group stopped, and laughed along with the rest of us. I loved the sound of the girl's laugh! She looked at us, and Taylor said "Kimberly this is One Direction! They've agreed to a few shows with me. The girl, who I now knew was Kimberly, smiled a beautiful smile as we introduced our selves. I saw the other guys introduce themselves to her, but was too focused on her to actually comprehend what they were saying. Finally her eyes were on me, and she flashe dme her beautiful smile. I couldn't help but feel sparks fly. I suprised myself by taking her hand and kissing it as I said, "I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik." I couldn't helpbut smile when I grabbed her hand and led her to the seats, where we all sat down in a group and just started talking. I smiled as I learned all about her. I found myself talking more than I ever had before, and smiling and laughing more than I had in a long time. The other guys seemed to notice and Liam smiled at me. Louis and Harry kept smirking at me and waggling their eyebrows. Oh well. I can't wait to get to hang out with her more! The guys had to drag me away to rehearse, and I couldn't help but smile at the fact that I would be able to hang out with Kimberly for a while, since Taylor told us the secertet that she would be asking Taylor to sing a song with her for the same shows we were on!" I couldn't help but smile as I sang my way through rehearsals. Little did I know how much that one day would change my life.

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now