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*Kimberly's Pov*

I can't believe this is real life. What started out as a bad day, turned into a dream come true! I ran to the car and grabbed the extra clothes that Jennifer had remided me about, and Taylor smiled at me, and led us to her tour bus. TAYLOR SWIFT IS RIGHT HERE AND SHE IS TAKING ME ON HER TOUR BUS WITH HER!! Yeah, I wasn't excited at all.... I tried to hide it, but I started shaking. Taylor stopped, and looked concerned "Are you okay?" I just nodded and said "You're real. You're really here! I.. I never dreamed this would ever happen. I never thought I'd actually meet my hero, my inspiration." Great now I'm rambling like an idiot. I drop my gaze because I can't look her in the eyes. She probably thinks I'm stupid now.

*Taylor's POV"

Once Kimberly came back, I couldn't help but smile. This is going to be so much fun!! I love being able to do stuff like this for my fans!! I grabbed both of their hands, and started to lead them across the wet pavement to my tour bus. I stopped when I realized that Kimberly was shaking. I really hope she didn't get sick from dancing in the rain or something! I turned around and asked her  "Are you okay?" She nodded and blurted out "You're real. You're really here! I.. I never dreamed this would ever happen. I never thought I'd actually meet my hero, my inspiration." Aww that's so sweet!! but right after she said it, she dropped her head. It took me a moment to realize that she was afraid of what I thought of that, and she was embarrased! That broke my heart. I wanted her to know how much I appreciate her. So I knelt down so I could look her in the eyes and I said "That is so sweet. It really means a lot to me that you would say that. You are the reason I do this everday. You shouldn't be embarassed that you told me that!! I love you okay?" She nodded, and her face brightened. I couldn't help but smile. I led them onto the tour bus, and smiled when Kimberly freaked out when she saw the 13 I had on the door. She's so cute! I showed her where the bathroom was so she could change, and Caitlyn and Liz came into the room. I smiled and said. Hey Caitlyn, Liz, I'd like to intorduce you to one of my new friends, Jennifer!!" Caitlyn and Liz both smiled and hugged her "It's so nice to meet you!" Liz said Jennifer smiled and I looked at Caitlyn and said "I think we have a Eunice fan here!" Caitlyn laughed and said in her best Eunice voice "Did you know the human head weighs ten pounds?!" Jennifer laughed hysterically and we all laughed with her, then Kimberly walked in and said "What's so funny?" I looked up and couldn't help but laugh harder at her shirt! It was the cutest thing ever!! Liz and Caitlyn we're laughing too, and Kimberly just looked really confused. I recovered myself enough to say "I love your shirt!!" before laughing hysterically again. KImberly glanced down and blushed "That's kind of embarassing" she laughed. Her shirt was bright blue, and it said "I'd rather be at a Taylor Swift Concert" on it. We sat and talked for a while, and Jennifer, Liz and I were laughing as Kimberly and Caitlyn were having a Eunice-off "Did you know that the teddy bear was named after Theadore Roosevelt?" Taylor asked "YES!" Caitlyn nodded triumphantly Did you know that the human head weighs ten pounds?" "Yes!."Did you know that the bull-moose party got it's name when Teddy Roosevelt was shot during a speech, and finished it?" Taylor asked. Caitlyn shook her head, and admitted defeat. Kimberly laughed and said "HISTORY NERDS RULE THE WORLD!!!" We all laughed and I said I'm so glad I got that on tape. It shall go down in History! The day Eunice herself was out-Euniced!" Kimberly laughed and I asked what they wanted to do, since we still had a good 2 hour drive left to the arena. "Band Hero!!" Kimberly shouted I laughed and said "okay, but you have to sing!" I was just teasing but Kimberly turned green. I felt so bad, but I was determined to help get her over her fear. 'We're all friends here Kimberly!! It's just a game. You're going to be fine! I'll even let you pick the song." Kimberly nodded determedly, and she took the microphone. Jennifer just smirked and said "I know which one you're going to pick!" Kimberly just laughed and chose the song. I couldn't help but smile when the intro to You Belong with Me started. "Are you ready for this?!" I screamed, and started to rock out on my band hero guitar. Everyone laughed, and Caitlyn played the drums, while Jennifer and Liz played bass. We played the intro, and then Kimberly started to sing. "You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset, she's going off about something that you said" I felt my jaw drop. She sounded amazing! How could she possibly be self councious. I  then came up with a plan, at a part where there wasn't much guitar, I filmed Kimberly singing. Once we were finished, we had her do a solo challenge. She sang "Beutiful Soul" and I filmed all of that. I went into my email, and sent them to Scott, and then I logged onto twitter and tweeted "Hanging out with a really talented Swifty! Don't you think she should sing more?!" And I attached the videos. I smiled to myself and jumped as Jennifer said "Sh'es going to kill you!" I laughed and said "I doubt that, and she has to see how talented she is." Jennifer nodded and said "Hopefully this will finally make her believe it." I agreed. Kimberly's phone started going off, so she picked it up, and scrolled on it, as soon as she opened the videos, and watched them, her face froze. I went over to her and said "Are you okay Kimberly? If you're mad, I'm sorry, I just wanted you to see how talented you are." She seemed to recover a little and she looked at me and said "You really think I'm talented?" Aww! Hopefully that means my plan worked! "I do! And I also think that you should pursue a music career. You're so talented, and it's obvious you'd do very well." Her eyes went wide and she said "Do you really think so?" Aww she's so cute! I looked her straight in the eye and said "I don't think so, I know so." KImberly smiled like she had just won a million dollars.

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now