Begin Again

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-----4 Weeks Later----

*Kimberly's POV*

The next 4 weeks passed in a blur. As the days wore on, Zayn and I hung out a lot more. Though it seemed whenever we made group plans, everyone else forgot, and it would just be me and Zayn. At first it bugged me, but it wasn't long until I actually appreciated it. As hard as it was to admit to myself, I really enjoyed hanging out with him. I enjoyed getting to know the shy boy. I came to learn that he was very sweet, he loved art, and he hated mornings. All theset hings added up to the boy who has become my best friend. I was thinking all of this as I tried to concentrate on reading my book. Today was Wednesday. The only day this week we didn't have a concert, and I knew it would be my only chance to catch up on my reading. Just as I was starting to get into the book, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and smiled when Ispotted his dark hair and beautiful eyes. "Oh so you've finally decided to grace me with your presence sleepy head?" He laughed and sat down he ran his hands through his hair and said "Hey Kimberly, you know we've gotten really close lately... and I was wondering..." He hesitated, so I smiled and asked ''You were wondering what?" He laughed nervously and continued " I was wondering if you'd go out on a date with me this weekend?" I smiled and couldn't be happier, but just as I was about to say yes the flashbacks that constantly haunted me started. It starts with my first boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend, and then Steve, who moved away and never bothered to call me again, and then it landed on the story that haunted me the most. Joe. After all of my heartbreaks, The flash of his happy smile, and his booming laugh. It wasn't long until he became my best friend. I remember how happy I was when he asked me to be his girlfriend.... I cut my thoughts off before the flashbacks could go any further. I looked at Zayn and said "I-- I'm sorry.." And I rushed out of the room avoiding the hurt I knew would be in his eyes. I was just rounding a corner when I heard a voice scream "Kimberly wait!!" I whipped around to find Taylor chasing after me. She said "I heard everything. What's going on?" Her face fell as she saw the tears streaming down my face. She hugged me and lead me to a room with a huge fluffy couch. She let me cry myself out, and then asked "What's wrong Kimberly? You know you can tell me."

*Taylor's POV*

Kimberly wiped the last few tears from her eyes and said "It all started when I met Joe. He made me believe in love again. I fell in love with his laugh and smile, and it seemed he was all I ever wanted. He quickly became my best friend, but we both soon realized that we both wanted it to be something more." I noded, and squeezed her hand as she continued. "I was so happy when he asked me to be his girlfriend. For a while, it was perfect. He was so kind, and was just all I ever wished for. It started really subtly. He would snap at me for no reason. He would always need to know where I was and who I was with. He chased all of my friends away. And then he always put down my dreams. I thought that maybe it would get better but... Then one night, I did something he didn't like, and he hit me." I gasped and hugged her tight. I felt my eyes start to water. No one deserved that! Especially not Kimberly. "You don't need to go on." I told her she shook her head and said "I just need to tell somebody. I nodded understandingly and said "You can always confide in me. I'll always be here for you Kimberly. She half heartedly smiled and continued "He apoligized, and said it was a mistake and begged for my forgiveness. Against my better judgement, I gave him another chance. Love made me blid and stupid, but he promised it would get better, and for a while it did, but I should've known it wouldn't last. One night, eight months ago, we got into a fight, and he punched me again. It was then I knew that I was stupid to ever believe him. I fianlly listened to everyone's advice and pressed charges against him. That convinced me that all love ever does is break, and burn, and end." I looked at her sadly and said "Kimberly you have every right to be scared, and to think that love doesn't exsist, but we both have to believe that it's out there, and I really think that you could find it in Zayn. He would never hurt you! You know I'd never let a guy who would near you!" She nodded and said "I know, but Taylor, I-- I'm scared." She dropped her gaze as she said this, and I pulled her into a hug. "Kimberly I know it's scary, especially for what you've went through, but you just have to jump in, you'll never find love if you avoid it! And I'll always be there to catch you if you fall Kimberly." She looked at me and said "Thank you Taylor, for everything, So you really think it could work out between me and Zayn?" I grinned and said "Honey, everyone knows it would work out between you! We've been planning on trying to get you together from the beggining!" We both laughed and Kimberly shook her head and said "That explains a lot." "I should find Zayn." She said after a while. I smiled and said "Rememver what I told you. He's different Kimberly." She nodded, and walked out of the room. I was about to exit the room myself, when I heard talking from just outside the door. "KImberly are you okay? You seemed upset. If it's anything I said I'm sorry.." Kimberly cut off Zayn's concerned voice, and said "No I'm sorry Zayn, it's just I was scared, but I'm ready to jump now." Zayn asked in a bright voice "Would you mind if the date was tonight then? I'll meet you at Jenn's Cafe at 8?" I heard Kimberly say "sounds good." And had to grab a pillow to smother my squeals. I heard the door open, and looked up to see a very happy Kimberly "You heard everything didn't you?" I grinned and nodded, and she said "Let it out." I screamed and she laughed and I said excidedly "You have to let me, Caitlyn and Liz help you get ready! Ah this is going to be so fun!" I clapped my hands and Kimberly rolled her eyes and said "Lord help me!" I laughed and dragged her to the dressing room I shared with Liz and Caitlyn. We all grinned after they freaked out, and got to work.

*Kimberly's POV*

I ran my fingers over the beautiful oufit Taylor, Liz, and Caitlyn helped me pick out. It was a simple white sundress with a brown belt. I smiled and said "it's perfect! Thank you!" They all grinned at me and Liz said "You haven't even looked in a mirror yet!" They pushed me in front of a mirror, and I couldn't help but gasp. They had done my hair similar to Taylor's in the Love Story video, and put on just enough make up. I pulled them into a group hug, and said "Thank You!" They all giggled and Caitlyn said "Now go wow Zayn!" I blushed and they all laughed. I made my way to my car and drove to the Cafe. I looked at the clock 7:45. He'll probably be late. I thought to myself. They always are. I pulled into the cafe, and was surprised to see Zayn standing there and waving at me. He had gotten there early! I smiled and he walked up to my car and opened the door for me. I smiled and said "Thank you kind sir!" He grinned and said "Anything for my lady!" As we chose our table in the cafe he rushed over to pull out my chair. I smiled and sat down, and he helped push me in. I don't think he realized how nice that was but I did. As the night went on, we talked about everything. He threw his head back and laughed that innocent laugh like a little kid, and I realized that the more time I spent with him, the less I thought of Joe. It took me to realize, that Zayn did something for me I never thought anyone could do. Now because of him, for the first time, what's past is past. Later that night, I told Taylor everything, and she grinned and said "That would make a cute song!" We stayed up until 1AM until we thought it was perfect. We both smiled sleepily, and Taylor said "Zayn is going to love it!" I replied "Thanks Taylor." All too soon it was time for me to go onto the stage. Taylor gave me a thumbs up from backstage, and I took a deep breath and began. "Hey everyone! I hope you don't mind if I play you something new! Taylor helped me write this last night. I'd like to deidcate this to the beautiful boy who doesn't realize how much he's helped me." The crowd cheered, and I made eye contact with Zayn, who was standing next to Taylor. He looked at me questiongly, and I nodded at him to acknowledge that I was talking about him. Then I started to sing. 

"Took a deep breath in the mirror
He didn't like it when I wore high heels
But I do
Turn the lock and put my headphones on
He always said he didn't get this song
But I do, I do

Walked in expecting you'd be late
But you got here early and you stand and wave
I walk to you
You pull my chair out and help me in
And you don't know how nice that is
But I do

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

You said you never met one girl who
Had as many James Taylor records as you
But I do
We tell stories and you don't know why
I'm coming off a little shy
But I do

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

And we walked down the block, to my car
And I almost brought him up
But you start to talk about the movies
That your family watches every single Christmas
And I want to talk about that
And for the first time
What's past is past

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again

But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again"

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now