Chapter 13

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Your POV
I woke up next to Lauren, and I kissed the back of her neck. She turned around, "well good morning you little cutie" I smiled at her and showed her the pic I took of her sleeping. "Oh my gosh Y/N! You better not have posted that!" I laughed, "too late!" I ran out to the front lounge and she jumped on me. She kissed me and got up to eat some cereal before she had to prep for the show tonight.

They were doing soundcheck and I was watching, but I saw a shadowy figure in the back of the seats of the venue. I'm really observant with things, I used to be a security guard when it wasn't summer time, and I had to be really observant and protective. I walked out on stage and whispered in Lauren's ear, "you and the girls need to get off the stage now, I'll handle it, just go" she nodded and told the girls and they all went backstage. I yelled to the shadowy figure, "What are you here for?!" I got off the stage and he stood up, and we started walking towards each other.

Austin. It was Austin. He finally stood in front of me, "I'm looking for my girlfriend," I laughed, "sorry bro, you didn't hear? Y'all broke up!" Then, he punched me right in the nose. I knew it was broken, I could feel the pop.  So I punched him harder, right in his mouth, and he started bleeding a lot and lost a tooth or two. But before he could throw another punch, the cops ran in and took him away.

Lauren and the girls ran out to the isle where I was standing. I was holding my shirt on my bloody broken nose to try and slow down the bleeding. "I need to go to the medic or something. It's broken," one of the medics ran out with the first aid kit and looked at my nose. She cringed at the sight of it, "umm, this is gonna hurt, but we have to put it back together," I nodded, "ok, go, I'm ready." She pushed either side of my nose back into place and I winced and held my breath. "Oh my god that hurt" Lauren grabbed my hand and kissed it, "you're amazing babe and I love you. It was awesome, the way you stood up to Austin like that and knocked out his teeth. It was pretty hot actually," I smirked "I love you too babe" I winced as the medic finished putting a brace type thing on my nose to hold it in place.

We finished the show and went back to the bus where Tori was. "Thanks Y/N, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry you had to get hurt though." I smiled, "it's alright Tori, I know how you felt being with him, so I ended it." Lauren and I walked to our bunk and she laid her head on my chest while I ran my fingers through her hair until both of us fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoy! Sorry it took so long! I've just started school and so I'm pretty busy! But I'll write as much as I can I promise! I love you all! Thanks for being so patient and cooperative with me! Xoxoxo!

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