Chapter 18

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Your POV
After Lauren punched me, I was still in some pain. So, the girls took me to the hospital and they told me it was broken. They gave me pain medication and sent me home telling me to rest for a few weeks and to keep the brace on it. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, but it was still painful.

After we get back to the bus, Lauren practically carries me to the bunk to lay down and rest. I am so tempted to mess with her and make her think I'm way more hurt than I really am. I don't know if I should, she's being really sweet. I'll think about it. Lauren then came out from the front lounge and gave me some food and a soda. "Thanks babe" I replied to her gesture.

Later that day, Lauren and the girls had a set so I had to stay back in the bus while they were performing. I was so bored without her and I was really hungry. But does Lauren care? No. Because she said she'd be back after they performed, but they've been done for 30 minutes and they're not back yet. That's when my phone buzzed.

From: Green-Eyed Goddess💚🙈😍
Hey babe, we went out for food. Be back later. Be careful and don't wait up. I love you 😚

I read the message about four times before I grew angry enough to respond. I was so worried about her and she was so casual about it.

To: Green-Eyed Goddess💚🙈😍
Yeah, don't worry I won't. If I'm asleep when you get back, sleep in your own bunk. Goodnight

I laid in my bunk when I heard faint rumbling. My stomach. I'm so hungry. I picked up my phone again and ordered a pizza when my phone buzzed again.

From: Green-Eyed Goddess💚🙈😍
Babe, what's wrong? Did something happen?

I just ignored her messages. I figured when they got back I'd be asleep anyway, and she would try waking me up to talk to me and then we would talk about it I guess. I didn't really want to talk about it until tomorrow, but Lauren isn't like that, she needs to talk about it right away and try to fix it.

The pizza got here about twenty minutes later and I played Grand Theft Auto on the PlayStation for a while until I fell asleep. I woke up a little later and looked at my phone to see the time, 12:00 am. The show ended four hours ago. Where were they?

That's when I heard laughing outside the bus. I got in my bunk and peeked out of the curtain. The girls walked in, stumbling and slurring their words as they spoke. They're drunk. Seriously? Whatever. I'm going to bed. I turned over and faced the wall closing my eyes tightly. "Y/N? Baaaaabe?" I heard Lauren cal for me from outside of my bunk. She looked in the curtain and saw me 'sleeping' and shook me to wake me up.

"Lauren I'm not talking about this while you're drunk," I turned over to face her and she looked pretty sad. I almost broke under her puppy-eyed stare, but I had to stay strong and stick to my guns. I turned my back towards her again and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up the next morning to an empty space next to me, and it all came back to me. I remembered why there was that empty space. I crawled out of my bunk and went to the front lounge where Camila and Dinah were sitting. They asked how I was feeling and we talked for a bit before I moved to the back lounge only to find Lauren awake on the couch.

"H-hey babe, can we talk?" She looked up at me with sad eyes and I sat next to her, "yes, we can," she hugged me tightly and whispered "I'm so sorry" before pulling away again. I looked at her "I just really wanted to be with you last night, especially since I was feeling shitty. And I know you need time with the girls to enjoy yourself, I get that. But I want to know what you're doing and when you'll be back so I know you're safe and you're not just ignoring me." She nods "ok babe, I understand. I will let you know from now on, I'm sorry I didn't let you know beforehand. I love you so much," she smiled softly and I responded "I love you too Lauren," we went back to the front lounge and hung out until the girls had to go get ready for their set.


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