Chapter 20

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Your POV
I got a phone call earlier today from my mother that my aunt and uncle died in a car accident, and now their daughter has nowhere to live because my mom can't take her. I told her that I'd love to take baby Chandler in and I'd have help from the girls, so she's on her way. Lauren might be mad at me for so readily taking in a baby who's only a year old, but at this point, I don't care because I have to help this kid.

The girls finally got home and I was sitting in the front lounge feeding baby Chandler. I looked up at them, kind of nervous about what to say "Hey guys" they all looked at me in pure confusion until Ally spoke up, "uh, who's baby?" I looked up at her "she's ours now..." They all looked shocked but also excited. I explained everything to them and they understood completely, even Lauren. So now baby Chandler has a home.

1 week later...

It's been a week since we got Chandler, and taking care of a baby is exhausting. Lauren has been really irritable lately because of it and so we've been arguing a lot. She came back from the girls concert and she walked back to the back lounge where I was with Chandler. "We need to talk, put her in her crib..."

She sat next to me as I put Chandler in her crib, "what's going on?"  She looked at me seriously, "babe, Chandler is a lot to handle. I mean, any baby is, but it's a lot on top of touring with the girls and everything else, I just...I don't know if we can do this. So, I hate to say this, but I think you need to make a decision." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "what kind of decision Lauren?" She sighs "it's either me or the baby Y/N..." She stood up and walked out of the room.

What do I do now? I don't want to lose Lauren, but where's Chandler gonna go? What's gonna happen to her?

Here's the update! Hope you guys like it! Thanks for the patience and thanks for reading! I love you guys! Xoxoxo

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