The witch and the Captain part 2

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Steve's POV

I ran yes ran all the way to S.H.E.L.D to find out what the heck is going on with the thing with Rachel. I got to the building and ran up to Fury's office. " ok I'm here now talk. Why is Rachel so top secret and why was she scared of the fact that I am Captain America" I say in one breath. For some odd reason Fury for the first time I have seen him with a face of remorse.

" Rachel is a Witch . She is a natural self-defense and fighter and she is a talented writer but she was part of a family of magic. When she was in 6th grade she found out she was a witch. she went to a Magic teaching group until she was 18 years old. One of the Sensei fell in love with her and she with him but the Sensei was a part of H.Y.D.R.A and tried to make her join. After she found out she ran. She didn't want to be used by the country's enemies. But the man would not give up neither would H.Y.D.R.A. So they been following her and killed anyone who got in their way. Also any man she fell in love with. "

He then looked at me straight in the eyes

" I met her and know of her because on of her best friends is my nephew. She met me because I visited him in South Carolina and he introduced me to her. She knew who I was and told me that she is being followed by H.Y.D.R.A and told me she can be bait but I for the first time to a new comer said no to her. Because my nephew loved her like a sister."

Now I was confused because he told me about his experience with her but not what or how i was in harm's why it's not like she fell in love.....Oh. "Wait. You said any man she fell in love with but she has never met me and apparently heard of me either. How can she know who I am then?"

He scratched the back of his neck and said something i hoped was very true. " I told her about the team and when she heard about you she admired you because you are different from others. What I find funny is that she also was adopted by the Wolverine. She was tested a lot because of her magic and she ran away from her family because they made her be tested and somehow or another she found him and he felt a connection between him like a wolf with its pup. Well she just fell in love with the fact that you change the world while she might destroy it."

So much pain conflicted on her at a young age. I guess Wolverine is her dad even though she was adopted.

"I have to see her and tell her not to worry about me. Please give me her address and let me tell her."

He sighed deeply because he need I would find it out somehow. Be it with bucky's help or me going to Wolverine himself.

"It apartment 380 in the building where you ncalled me from."

I said a quick thank you and headed to the building. I got to the building and was in front of her apartment. I knocked on her door and another girl opened it. " Um is there a girl named Rachael  in here?"

"How do you know her because I have known everyone of her friends since i met her?" the girl said.

" I know her because I am a close friend of her dad. Please let me see her I have to tell her something."

The girl moved to let me in and I found Racheal's room. I knocked on her door and I heard a small come in. I saw her sitting on her bed reading some book. She looked up from her book and saw me and in a flash she jumped out of her bed and headed for the window. I grabbed her as she was heading out the window. " Let go please. You have to let go or you will die like the others please." she cried

"No because I will not die because I am me and you know who I am. I know your dad and what he would do to me and anyone who would  hurt you."  I said because I knew it would calm her down just a little. I Guess when she heard her father be mentioned finally calmed her down . I can't focus on that right now. " Rachel  I am not scared of the fact H.Y.D.R.A is after you. I'll take care for you no matter what happens."

Rachel 's POV

I ran away from Steve  as fast as I could in these heels. I made it to the apartment building when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I saw it was Steve went it was to late. He was crouched down on the ground. I was sad that I had hurt the man I have admired for years. I ran to my apartment before the girls got home from school. I  took the night classes at Julliard while they took day. I got to my room to find my phone going off. 'Why is daddy calling?' I answered it." Daddy what's wrong?"

 " Nothing just wanted to see if my pup is in New York yet." I mentally  laughed at my dad. Even though he was the big bad wolverine to everyone else he was just a big teddy bear to me.

 "Yes Pops I am in New York and I will be going to school tonight ok." I know dad hates the idea of me going out at night to school but I am an adult so I will be fine and he gave me some of his blood to help me heal faster.

"Ok but keep your dagger on you because I don't trust people on the streets at night."

" Yes daddy I have to go." I hung up before he could respond. I got my favorite book which I a magna called Heart no Kuni no Alice. I am in love with the Cat man name Boris who had a AK47 which I am also in love with. I am on book 5 in the series. I was almost done when someone knocked on the door. I thought that it was one of the girls so I said come in but unlike them they didn't say anything so I looked up from my book but instead of one of the girls I find the man I wanted to protect. Steve Rogers. I bolted to my window as fast as I could but he caught me. " Let go please. You have to let go or you will die like the others please." I pleaded as I fought with him to get out of his arms. All he did was hold me tighten his hold."No because I will not die because I am me and you know who I am. I know your dad and what he would do to me and anyone who would hurt you." That's when I busted out crying. . " Rachel I am not scared of the fact H.Y.D.R.A is after you. I'll take care for you no matter what happens."

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