The God of Mischief

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Narrator's POV

Loki went though the portal to an unknown area to any Asguardian and Midguardian. He put the girls into his chambers. His room was mostly dark forest green and a shimmering gold with hints of black in some parts. He laid them in his bed. He had left the girls unconscious in his room while he took care of more pressing matters.

Rachel's POV

I woke up to find myself in a beautiful room. It reminded me of nature. I was trying to figure out why was I here. Suddenly all of the memories had come to me like a flood. The park and the storm. Steve  and I, Daddy, Angel and Buck then a sharp prick in my neck.
~ I WAS FUCKING KIDNAPPED!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?~ I suddenly heard a groan. ~HOW GOD PLEASE TELL ME I WASN'T RAPED ALSO!!! ~ I walked over to where I heard the groan. It wasn't a kidnapper or a rapist it was Angel. "Angel wake up" She groan some more before she had that attack mode placed and tried to punch me but I dodged as fast as I could and didn't get hit.

 "Rachel !?!" She yelled when she realized who I was.

"Hey you ok?" She nodded to the question.

"Where are we?" I just shook my head. I kept looking around the room that could have given us hints. Then I saw a golden helmet with golden horns on it. OH SHIT!!! Of course We had to be kidnapped by a man who calls himself the god of Mischief and lies. THAT'S JUST FUCKING GREAT. "Angel  we are with the so called "God of Mischief". Just I said it he came in. Loki. " I see you have wits young one." I didn't say a word but I did glare. "Feisty aren't you. Just how I like them."

" It seem to me you like to kidnap them also. Hate to tell you this but I am taking for. So might as well return me to my lover" He did nothing but laugh at me.

 " I see my judgment has not been tarnished" I looked at him confused. Before I could say a word he turn his sights on Angel. "You my dear are beautiful but you are also very musical. I brought you here to be my maid and my muse for my new queen." This shocked both Angel and I. We both yelled at the same time

"QUEEN!" He laughs at us then he turn his sights back on me.

" Yes my dear Queen. That will be you my dear. You will rule with me and you will also lead my army." It was my turn to laugh.

"hahaha Oh my gods. You're insane. Give me a sec. Whew. Ok you sir are insane of you think I would lead the army and even more insane if you think I will become your queen willingly. The only way I would do that if I was an insane lunatic like you who wanted this. All I want is to be home with my family and friends enjoying myself . This beyond what I wanted. You want chaos and I want peace. We are too different." He seemed shocked at my answer while Angel was proud of my answer. That's when he brought out the scepter and try to touch my chest with it. Thank you pops for making me train. I dodged the scepter barley though. I ushered Angel out the door and we ran as far as we could.

✨✨✨✨✨Loki POV✨✨✨✨✨

I watched my new queen and her friend in the throne room threw a small portal that was created by my magic. She was a smart one and she had a temper. I do like my woman Feisty because they are much more fun to break. She unlike her friend knew what to look for. She knew that even the simple things found can lead to the biggest answers. I watched as she found my crown. She knew exactly who I was. I decided to make my presence known. I walked into the room to have my future queen glare at me. " I see you have wits young one" All she did was glare at me. "Feisty aren't you. Just how I like them." I said to her admiring her fire.

" It seem to me you like to kidnap them also. Hate to tell you this but I am taking for. So might as well return me to my lover" She replied. I found it so amusing that I laugh.

" I see my judgment has not been tarnished" I said honestly. She was smart and feisty. she looked at me with confusion in  her eyes. I turned to the lover of the Solider who was a beauty just as my queen but I just wanted her as bait. Maybe the man with the metal are will have her. "You mydear are beautiful but you are also very musical. I brought you here to be my maid and my muse for my new queen" Both suddenly screamed at me

"QUEEN?" It got me to laugh at me again.

" Yes my dear Queen. That will be you my dear. You will rule with me and you will also lead my army." Just then my queen laughed at me.

"hahaha Oh my gods. You're insane. Give me a sec. Whew. Ok you sir are insane of you think I would lead the army and even more insane if you think I will become your queen willingly. The only way I would do that if I was an insane lunatic like you who wanted this. All I want is to be home with my family and friends enjoying myself . This beyond what I wanted. You want chaos and I want peace. We are too different." This florid me because any other girl who heard becoming a queen or rich would jump at the chance. No no this girl she wanted something simple .~ This wouldn't do she needed to be tainted by the darkness. By the evil~ I thought. I brought out my staff and trusted it at her but she dodged it. SHE DODGED IT! She wasted no time and ushered her and her friend out.

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