Chapter Six: It's Always Been Me

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 By the time we got back to Aladine that afternoon, I was ready to go back to bed. Hangovers were not my friend and neither was alcohol, I had a habit of drinking sweet things that were loaded with sugar that would give me a killer headache in the morning. Toss in the fact that we tended to stay out late and not get to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning and sleep like shit for a few hours before rolling out of bed.

"Want to go back to my place to get your other clothes and shoes or just go home?" Taylor asked as we got back into town.

"Can you just take me home? I've got homework," I said.

"Homework while hungover? Ouch," he laughed.

"It'll go away soon," I replied, "I hope. Anyway, I'll swing by your place later to grab my shit, is that good?"

"Yeah you're fine," he replied, "Have fun with your homework."

"Don't do anything too stupid," I smirked as I got out of his car.

"Nice sweatshirt," Whitney smirked as I walked into the lobby of the dorm.

"Why are you waiting for me?" I asked.

"I came down to wait for my Jimmy John's delivery and happened to see who just dropped you off," she remarked.

"We met my dad for breakfast this morning," I replied.

"And he took you home last night," she said in a sing-songy voice, her pink lips shaped into a sly grin.

"Because apparently he won't let me make out with his teammates," I said, shooting her a threatening glare.

"No way!" she giggled, "Which one?"

"Kyle," I sighed.

"Ooh," she grinned.

"Shut up, I was drunk," I grumbled, "I would definitely not do it again."

"Maybe if you dated Kyle, Taylor would get mad and dump Kayla and you two could live happily ever after," she suggested.

"Whitney, I'm going to slap you next time you suggest anything like that," I said, rolling my eyes, "I'm going back upstairs."


Somewhere between one thirty and four o'clock, I dozed off on my beanbag after finishing my paper and didn't wake up until nine o'clock that night. Luckily, I had managed to finish my paper before I fell asleep so I didn't have anything pressing to finish, I just

"Thanks for waking me up for dinner Whit," I yawned, stretching my legs out and setting my computer on my desk.

"You just looked so peaceful," she replied, staring at her computer screen as she sat on her bed..

"Thanks," I laughed, "I'm going over to get my crap from Taylor, want me to get food or did you eat?"

"I'm good, I ate dinner a few hours ago," she replied.

"I guess I'll be back in a few and figure out dinner by myself," I laughed.

I threw on Taylor's sweatshirt and slipped on my slipper boots before walking over to Taylor's dorm. It was only half a block between his hall and mine and the sidewalks were pretty cleared off, lucky for me, so it wasn't too bad of a walk, other than the obvious chill in the air.

The doors didn't lock until ten o'clock, so I got in with ease and ran up the stairs to the second floor where his room was. Unsurprisingly, Taylor's door was unlocked, so I just opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Tay, I'm here to get my-" I said before looking up and seeing him and Kayla pretty much swallowing each other, "Aw Tay what the hell, you could've at least locked the door!"

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