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I stood there by a tree on a gravel road as the wind blew pieces of me away as they were flittering away like a feather softly falling to the ground. The moon lighted through the clouds like a horror film as it made the ground glow like the light of mating fireflies. The roses were strong of the smell of bees and honey as the bees were sleeping in their hive. Calm little thing. Why would anyone hurt them? The night was still but the wind was blowing. My eyes were closed but my mouth was open as I breathed in the fresh air. I am not who I thought, but I thought of who I am. I am here to live and live a grand life. Fragile little thing I am. But I am still not what I thought. My mother once said to me, "acceptance is to love and embrace everything that we find within ourselves". I ended up tearing up a whole river at that time when she told me that. A crackling sound sung in the distance high in the sky. I opened my eyes of fright up. I realized what it was then I looked left then right. My head became still, frozen to the sight of the most beautiful Lotus flower drifting by. My body suddenly moved on its own and I easily grabbed the flower. I smiled gently as I sniffed it with ease. Hearing another thunder sound, I looked up and rain started to fall down on me. I stared at the falling rain for a few minutes and then headed back home.

The smell of burned popcorn ran through r the whole house as yelling family members rang through the walls. Mother came down the stairs to greet me home. Funny thing is, she's not the same as she was back then. My father died soon after I was born and she never spoke of him. As she greeted me home, she told me, "dinner is ready, and no it's not popcorn". I went upstairs and set my coat down on my bed and gently placed the flower on my night stand. I smiled and stared at it for thirty seconds. I walked back downstairs and ate some spaghetti. Mother walked into the room I was in as the yelling stopped in the other side of the walls. The silence spread a crossed the floor and I then felt in peace. I took one last bit of my spaghetti and headed upstarts to my room. "Goodnight sweetie" my mother said and I said goodnight back.

I walked into my room and closed my door. I opened my small window and touched the glass as I embraced the night sky. I took my shirt off and I kneeled there at the foot of my bed praying for something good to happen. As I prayed, it was silent and I could hear the crickets chirping. The sky was still with no wind and the clouds had covered the mood so no light shines through. I was there for a few minutes until I was finished and I closed my small window. I breathed in the fresh air one last time for tonight. I crawled into my warm comfy bed and fell right asleep.

Morning came as I got up at dawn. The sunrise was peeking through the window. It was slightly cloudy with a few grey clouds. I looked out for a few minutes and then changed my clothes to visit the forest for the day. The weather wasn't going to stop me. Last day of summer break, as tomorrow starts my junior year in high school. I skipped breakfast and just ran out the door.

A few minutes had gone by, it was lightly sprinkling, and a breeze that comes and goes every second. Chilly and cloudy, the sprinkles became rain and it began to pour. It grew harder and harder. For a few minutes it poured, but it eventually let up. The sound of water dribbles down onto the ground, the rain started up again. I ran under a ledge of a building. On and off the rain poured and settled. I just went in and sat down inside of a cafe. I knew this would happen for a while so I sat down at a booth next to a window and relaxed.

"Hello, would you like something to order?"

"Oh um, yes. I'd like a Vanilla Cappuccino" I said, since I didn't have anything yet this morning.

"Okay It will be right up"

"Thank you" I said as I then starred outside afterwards drinking the cappuccino, hoping it would stop so I can continue walking.

An hour later the rain stopped. I liked up at the sky to see it it had cleared. But it didn't, the whole sky was still white and light grey. I look my chance, payed for my Cappuccino and ran out of the door. As I walked under ledged outside, the day became beautiful and no signs of rain clouds to be seen. I continued on my path to the forest.

Where The Wind Takes MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin