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"Mother, mother! Can I go to my friends house?" I asked her as she was resting in the living room.

"Um, yea sure, you can."

"Yay!" I said, and I ran out the door. The weather was perfect, not too hot, and not too cold. The blue sky was bright as scattered clouds were still there. The air is always perfectly pure and fresh, like a cold glass of water. There was a slight breeze, just enough to make the slightest movement on the trees. The town I live in is smaller than most. In the far distance when you look outside my house are tons of mountains and forests. This town resembled a village. Beautiful grasses during the cold seasons, but ends up burnt in the summer. Too hot and dry for it. I continued to run towards my friends house. "Hello" the people of the town said to me as I ran through. No one ever stops bye or visits here in this little town, so everyone tends to know everyone. This is a very trusted town. The only place there is really a lot of people, is my school. All the students come from a lot of the towns close by, since they don't have schools there. Smoke came from the butchers and the smell of bakeries and desserts filled the air. The strong aroma was pulling me in, as I tried to run away from it, to my friends house. I had to get there, not stop and eat a dessert. I couldn't resist, I just couldn't.

I walked into the bakery and I suddenly fell into a sweet heaven. The sight of this much goodness was too much. I had only five dollars on me, so I bought my friend and I both a caramel glazed, chocolate filling doughnut. This was my favorite. The goodness of the mixture was the best.

I ran as fast as I could, I had to get over that bridge. Red, and long, That bridge was a symbol of our friendship and what connects us and our two towns. If that bridge were to ever break, You would have to go around, which would take a few hours by foot. I arrived at the red bridge, long but beautiful. This bridge sat over a long scary river into the forest around. Never went inside the forest, and never will. Off to the right was a small mill that turned a decent speed, catching the quick stream that came from the tall mountains. Being turned by a river, separate from the one under the bridge, it eventually connects going down hill, and possibly several little waterfalls.

A few minutes later after I crossed the bridge, a small black dog with curly hair greeted me kindly and happily. If you listen closely from his area, you can hear the freeway from miles away. This dog was my friend's dog, and its name was Milli. The house was not far away, and as I came up to it, I saw that my friend was sitting on his front porch. The smiles on our faces were grand. I held out the bag that had the doughnuts in them.

My friends name was Samuel. Three years older than me, and was taller also. Half korean, with pale white skin. He had teal eyes as beautiful as a tropical ocean, and pitch black hair that showed his sadness from the loss of his mother, and the hatred towards his step-mom.

"I bought us something to eat as I was coming here. I couldn't resist, the smell was too good." I said as I felt in happiness.

"What is it? I can smell it already? Let me guess... Is it a doughnut?"

"Yes indeed. Caramel glazed, chocolate filling to be exact." I took out of the bag and gave him one. My friend squealed in excitement as eyes looked like they were in heaven as well.

"It looks so good." Samuel said and we ate them, savoring every delicious bite. We ended up playing for hours until the sunset came. I didn't want anything to end. Our hands held one another, as we sat side by side, on the porch, watching the sun go down. So many smiles on our faces today as it was our best day ever. The sun looked as if it was pure gold. The richness of it light shined through me for the last time tonight. The clouds moved slowly off in the distant. As the seconds flew by, minutes came and the sky slowly grew a orangish hue, and the clouds became purple.The sun looked huge, and pink colored sky became. The purple clouds eventually covered the sun, making the light shine in the gaps. As the sun started to disappear, the sky became a rainbow of orange, yellow, pink and purple. I looked over at my friend, The happiness on that face was just as wonderful as the sunset. When the blue sky became darker, the sunset became bolder and more and more beautiful. Near the end, before the sunset disappear for the night sky, it became an almost red color. I said my farewells and headed off home.

As I walked home, It was hard to see. This was scary, I had no idea where I was going. There was no street lights around. I should've stayed at my friends house. It was too late now though, I don't know my way back. Where is the bridge? I continued walking, thinking that I was going the right way from instincts. As I walked, the ground ended up sounding like I was stepping on leaves and rocks. I don't think I was on the pathed road anymore. I think I ended up in the forest. The creepiness and scariness of this place haunts me, but I knew I was getting somewhere, no turning back now. howls and owls was heard off in the distance. I looked all around me, and they sang again. I got frightened and started to run. The stomping of my feet seemed loud and the crunching of the ground sounded odd to me. The noise seemed to sound louder, I thought they were coming for me. The sacredness was taking over, so everything sounded worse than it really was. I speed faster and faster as my little legs could go, and then I fell. I fell down a few feet, down an edge. I hit the ground, and tumbled down a steep hill. At the end, I felt bruised all over. All I wanted to do was go home. Why did my life turn out like this? The owls stopped but I got back up and continued to walk. Fifteen minutes had passed after the incident, and I tripped again. My face was in the dirt and the silence consumed me. I thought I was going to die, but then, everything seemed to have stopped in time. The silence was still there but it wasn't scary. It was actually quite calming. A sound of peaceful water rang in my ears. Little did I know, that small river was part of the river under the red bridge. I looked up, I was amazed. The scenery was serene and it literally looked like I was in heaven. At this night, this place glowed of blue light from the moon that wasn't there. Magical looking place, it was so unbelievable. I haven't the slightest clue on how to start describing it. It was just... wow!

I woke up hours later, The sun was shining and it was morning. I was still here. The true amazement of this place is grand. I don't feel the same way about this forest anymore. I'll come here everyday if I can. The glowing had disappeared, but the shining of the sun made it bright.I looked around the place to see where I was. I looked on the ground and saw where I fell and what direction I was running. I looked at a different way and figured out how to get out. I saw no evidence, but I seemed to know. I got home about thirty minutes later, the weather was kind of hot and the windows of my house was all open. It seemed to be the best way to cool the house, since we do not have air conditioning.

"Hello Mother" I said to her as I walked in, "sorry I am late, I kind of got lost for some odd reason"

My mom ran to me as if I was gone for days.

"Whats wrong?" I finished asking her.

"I'm so glad you're safe."

I got confused, "What? Why?"

"That bridge you go on, Collapsed in a fire this morning." I stopped in my path and was speechless, "What? A fire?" I asked surprised. "But, I-I---I could still walk there! It would just take longer!"

My mother shook her head and hugged me, "There's more." and she left the house to go grocery shopping. She did not say another word.

A few days later, I received a letter in the mail. It was from my friend. I grabbed scissors and opened it.

"The last time I saw you was fun and amazing, It was one of the best times of my life, but now It really will be the last time I got to see you. I will no longer live here and these are my farewells. Ever since I met you, to the time we were friends, the time we spent were the best, and I would never change it. Keep eating those doughnuts for me, they were delicious. Hopefully someday in the future, it will change, and I will hope to get another chance to see you... but please don't get your hopes up. Farewell my friend, and best of wishes!"


Your Friend.

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