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My eyes widened quickly--my breath was deep. I looked to my left and Makio was still besides me. He wasn't cuddling me anymore, though he was lying on his side facing the other way. I looked to my right, towards the alarm clock--3:54 a.m. it read. It's weird, I could touch that I just had the strangest dream. I felt coldness and memories, but I do not remember a thing--except that there was a boy and that door.

"Oh, the door" I suddenly said out loud without my consent in a whisper. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and looked back over at Makio hoping he did not hear me. I looked over to the door of Makio's room and slowly got out of bed. I gently placed the covers off of my body and crawled out of bed. Hurrying along, I quickly tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs.

This door seemed scary. Red tape and a broken doorknob. I stared at it for a few minutes before I ripped off the tape, I tried to not make a sound, but that was a hard task. the tape was really sticky and wanted to be a brat and be loud.

I opened the door slowly, as it creaked some noises--I wish I didn't. There was a small whistling noise from what I thought was a blocked window. A bad stench fogged my nose. The moon was shining through a window somewhere in the house, and it slightly lit the dark room. My eyes first fixated the the parts that I could not see, and then made their ways to the areas I could. Dried, there was color of red was in the middle of the floor. It flowed, as it almost touched all the way up to the door--I looked up. It was the sight I saw, was not what I expected to see. The horrifying sight above me was not for my eyes too see. My stomach was turning--I was not ready for this. Why would they leave this there? The vibe was angered with guilt and sadness. I fell to my knees, my arms felt weak, my mouth was opened in shock, and a tear fell from my eye--I could not move. Right below, in the middle of the red dry pool, was a dull urn. I could feel it yelling for help, there, in the middle of the floor. It longed for something, as something was not complete yet. I could not bare to see this any longer. My nightmares might get worse.

A screech sounded loudly from behind me. I could tell it was Makio's mother. She dropped something and It sounded like it broke. I did not turn my head to look at her. I was frozen in shock and I could tell that was scared that I saw it, not scared that I startled her. Her voice was mumbling, as if she was trying to say something, but her words were just not coming out.

Someone ran down the stairs. "WHAT IS IT?" Makio yelled at her. This was the first time, I heard Makio yell. I could tell that he stopped right at the bottom of the stairs, but when he saw me, he walked towards me speed fast and grabbed me by my shoulders. I did not move with him, but he moved me by himself. My body and legs moved as if I was being controlled. I was still in shock. I fell forwards back onto my knees and hands hands--my head was facing the floor. I sort of felt myself sweat from my forehead

"Hey get up" Makio loudly said. "Can't you hear me?"

He picked me up and carried to his room. Makio turned on the light, slammed the door and threw me into his bed. From a distance, I could hear Makio's mother cry. Makio crawled on top of me and stared into my eyes with an angered look and guilt.

"Why did you do that? Why did you go in there?"

I did not answer him, not even my eyes looked at him. Though they were still wide from the shock. More tears flowed out of me as I laid there.

Makio spoke loudly, as one of his army shook my shoulder to get my attention, "Hey, hey".

Only my eyes moved to look at him.

"Please say something" He said as his voice dropped.

My voice slightly cracked as I finally whispered something to him, "Please, let me go..."

"No, not until you tell me why you looked in there"

My voice raised in volume just a little, "Let me go home."

"No, I will not. Tell me!"

I started to try and escape from under him, "Please... I want to go home."

His voice raised again, "I will not let you!"

I still tried to fight my way out, but he seemed to attack me suddenly, and now he's hugging me. I do not get what had just happened. "LET ME GO!" I yelled still squirming.

"NO!" He yelled at me again. "Stay here and tell me."

"NO!" I also yelled.

"Why are you being so difficult right now?"

"Because I want to go home!"

Makio Let go of me and stood up, "Why won't you tell me?"

I stayed silent, but oddly I was still on Makio's bed. I wasn't trying to escape at all now. I sat up and looked at him. Turning my head right towards to curtains to the balcony, I got off and walked towards them.

Makio grabbed my left hand, "What are you doing?"

I pulled my hand away, and moved the curtains. "The moon is out, bright and full. There is no clouds or fog covering our view. The sun should be rising in about an hour or so."

"Yes--you're right." he responded softly.

"I'm sorry about this early in the morning." I quickly turned my whole body at once. Makio was directly behind me, "I-I... I just wanted to look what was behind that door... I knew you weren't going to tell me if I asked you."

"Oh.. I see. No, I wouldn't have told you."

"I knew that, so that's why--"

Makio hugged me, "Please forget what you saw."

"I-I can't."

"I know it's hard..." Makio stopped. "Hard", he whispered to himself as if he didn't want me to hear him, then he continued to speak to me, "...but please try."

"Y-you're--" I was interrupted as Makio let go suddenly and ran to the restroom. I was really confused. Not long after, puking noises were heard from the other side of the door.

"A-are you okay?" I asked his as I slowly walked towards the door.

"Don't come in." He yelled.

"oh-okay, I wasn't planning on it." Other odd noises came from the bathroom. "W-what are you doing in there?"


The room slowly brightened up, as the sunrise started. I turned around and looked back out of the sliding door. The sky was turning to a light blue. Some clouds formed and was slowly moving along towards the mountains. Minutes were going by and I just stared upon the mountains horizon. The colors near the surface changed to a whitish peach color, that color got darker. Suddenly, the mountain looked as if it were bleeding up pinkness. The clouds changed as well, to a hot pink color what made them look like delicious cotton candy. The pink slowly changes to an orange. The sky looked like a delicate painting. The clouds looked just like moving brush strokes on a perfect canvas. They were a yellowish peach color. The sky was brighter and the clouds colors were disappearing. The sun was rising up passed the mountains. It happened too fast. The colors changed too soon. I wish that painting could last longer everyday. To appreciate it and enjoy it, just a little longer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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