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It was dark, with a smell of pumpkin spice running into my nose. Rain could be heard from outside and the air was still. I did not know where I was, or what time it was. Feeling what I was lying on, I realized that I was lying in a bed. It was very comfy. Perhaps the most comfortable bed I have ever laid in. I was freezing cold, and it felt like there were millions of blankets on me to keep me warm. I saw a red light from the corner of my eye and looked to my right. There was an alarm clock and it read '7:38'. I sat up and reached over to the clock to see if there was a light on the night stand. The switch was difficult, but I turned it on dim. I looked around and saw that I was in a room that I had never seen before. Very neat and tidy, I looked at the bed I was now sitting on and saw, next to me, was Makio. It startled me, but looking at him of what I could see from this dim light, he was sounded peacefully. What was odd though, was that he wasn't really lying. He was sort of sitting with a pillow in his arms, leading on the headboard, facing towards me. It seemed as if he was watching me sleep, but also fell asleep as well.

Looking at Makio, I was thinking back to what I last remembered. 'I was running to a house in the pouring rain. I got to the porch, and everything else seemed to not be remembered. Did I pass out or something?'

"Owww" I suddenly said out loud. My head was in throbbing as I moved my hand to it.

Makio ended up waking up from my suddenness. "Huh?" He said as he was coming to his senses from his sleep.

My head was still hurting, but it wasn't as bad as it was a second ago. I coughed a few times. My head and body ended up lying closely to the bed as I was still sitting.

"Woah, woah, woah. Are you okay?" Makio said as he held on to my shoulders. He moved my hair to check my temperature and made a slight shocking face. "You should really go back to sleep. You are not well". Your forehead is burning up."

"O-oh", I said as my eyes were closed, "okay". Makio was laying me back to where I was previously before and tucked me back in.

"Please sleep as long as you can, I want you  to get well again" He said as he slightly brushed his hand to my cheek. The calmness from his hand made me go right to sleep to the thought that I knew he would be there taking care of me, watching over me and not leave me again.

Running... running... running. Visions of my childhood friend and the doughnuts that we ate that day. That smile and laughter made me feel great. Night came and I went home. Such a magical scenery. I was suddenly at my favorite place. Colors of blue shined from the moon, and the peacefulness made if feel like a dream. The sun came up and I was sitting there, near the spot that I fell. The perfect rock, the perfect place. I wish I could be here forever. I ran to Makio with the biggest smile. He makes me so happy, like my friend used to. But Makio is different. He has a different vibe to him. Feelings of hurt and pain comes from his soul as we hug. It makes be want to be there for him and help him. As he draws, if feels like it gives him life, and to escape from reality. I saw a ghost like image of my friend there walking down the stream. "There" I said. "There, is my childhood friend" I looked over back to Makio. He was too concentrated with his art. I was trying to get his attention but he wouldn't budge. "Hey" I said to my friend, "what are you doing here?" He didn't answer me. Did he even hear me? I tried to speak more but no words came out of my mouth. I looked back over at Makio, and it seems like he was trying to speak as well. He looked happy, but I couldn't hear him. I turned my head back to my other friend but he was gone. Wolves were heard from a short distance and I ended up running to get away from the wolves. I looked back to Makio to see if he was running away as well, but he vanished and I fell.

"Wake up, wake up" I heard from a wolf. "Wake up, wake up" he kept on saying.

My body began to shake, and I felt sweaty. Light began to appear, and everything else was disappearing. To then, my eyes opened.

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