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The night had become this unsettling silence that no one liked. Some people who actually cared about her, rushed out to her corpse. A police car and an ambulance came from the next town over. The rest of us had just went right home, since this party was dead anyways.

The vibe was silent and drawn away. Makio and I slowly headed to his house to stay the night. I was walking on the left, and he was walking towards my right. We avoided going near the tragedy as we walked by. We had already wandered over that bridge that I barely knew about, and I realized--his house, seemed closer than it was before. Was it maybe because it was raining that first time, that It seemed to take hours to get there?

The moon shined bright and the wind was still. Fog started to settle in as it came out of nowhere. Restless bushes moved, as small creatures traveled. Our feet dragging along the dirt road as it barely made a sound from the small rocks.

I looked up towards Makio, and I didn't really notice it until now, but I realized how tall Makio was compared to me.

"How tall are are you?" I asked.

He looked back at me, "why do you ask?"

"I just realized how tall you are."

Makio laughed, "I'm only five foot ten."

"Oh." I said after.

Makio walked close to me, and held my hand gently. "I'm sorry." he softly spoke.

"About what?"

"Today... ignoring you, and about the fight. I'm sorry I dragged you along to the party."

"Oh, It's okay. It was something new to experience."

Makio squeezed my hand tight, "I'm glad you didn't hate it."

"But what about her?"

"We can just forget about that. Com'mon, we're here." He opened the door and lifted me up right after.

"What are you..." I suddenly said, but was interrupted with a sound.

"Shhh, my mom is sleeping."

As Makio carried me up to his room, I hugged him and placed my head onto his shoulder--he walked slowly. I could still smell the stench of alcohol, and I could tell he was slightly drunk, but I knew he was trying to be strong. For me... and for himself.

He was looking up, as he walked up the stairs,"let's go to sleep. I'm tired."

"Okay" i said quietly. I looked at his face, He did look tired--tired from sleep and life.

Makio placed me into his bed, as he crawled in right after. He cuddled me close and tight, and fell right to sleep.

I could not sleep. The tragedy today, was finally getting to me. Thinking back now, my eyes started to tear. When Mikeira came running back, telling us what happened, did not faze me at all. I heard it through my ears, but I did not react as I should've. I just sat there as Makio cried on my shirt.

I could barely move, as makio was still cuddling me. I tried to wipe these tears with my hands, but I could not control them. I wanted them to stop. Why did this have to happen? Why did that stupid car have to drive by at that time? I know it's selfish of me to think this way, but why am I even crying over her death? I didn't even like her. Yesterday, Makio and I even laughed about her--if she was dead.

A few hours had gone by since We laid down to rest for the night, and I finally drifted to sleep. 

.     .       .     

The lotus flower floated by gently. Love and peace filled it with happiness, though being lonely and dying. The dark sky was gentle. The feeling in my body was not present. A chilly atmosphere made me shiver to my toes. There was no wind, and the flower still drifted by. I could not hear a thing. The only thing I could hear, was a calm sound of my beating heart. It was odd, and sort of intimidating. A snow like, slightly glowing substance, floated down. I looked up as my hands lifted up as well, towards the odd snow like substance. I did not intent to do so--It was like my body moved on its own. The snow touched my hands, as It did not feel cold, nor did not feel any warmth at all. It was like it just existed there, only for my eyes to see. Distracted by the snow, The flower was lying on the road. I stared at it, and the color started to change. Light pink, darkening to a red. It melted dark red, as if it were a pool of blood. I could feel my body again. I walked over to the melted flower and touched it with my finger--ice cold. Big gushes of wind blew threw my skin. I could not move the slightest. The snowy substance blinded me. Billions of tiny whiteness filled the earth as I was just frozen from time.

I was standing in the entrance of my home--It's been the same thing recently. Mother was half laying on the couch in our small living room, with a smoke in her hand. She stared at the blank television, not budging to welcome me home. She's changed a lot recently. I just stood there, at the front door, hoping she would greet me--nothing. I stared at her, just hoping that she would be herself again. I wonder, has she been to work recently? I tried to shout to her, but nothing came out. Not a single sound, or breath came out of my mouth. My hands lifted up to my neck and mouth, trying to speak some more. I tried to yell to my mother hoping my words would reach her. She did not hear me, nor did I hear myself. This world is a twisted place. Why can't it be normal? I tried to walked over to her, but I felt chains on my legs preventing me to walk--I struggles slowly. stepping, right foot then left, again and again, until i could go no further. I extended my arm out far, trying to reach her--my touch did not get there. My reach was close enough to touch her with the tip of my fingers, but It was like my hand went right through her skin. I wanted my mother to be there for me. Why isn't she noticing me? Did she really believe in me? Or was she just being strong for me and be independent because my father isn't... here, no more.

My mother stood up slowly, She seemed to be in a lot of pain. Every step she took looked painful from her eyes. She walked towards me, and I smiled--but she didn't. My mother only walked through my body--It was like I was a ghost. I heard her coughing from the smoke, and I felt like I was underwater--I could not breathe. I turned to face towards my mother, but I wasn't there.

I now stood inside of Makios home. My fingertips became cold, and I was facing towards the dinning area that I sat. I heard a coughing sound from behind me.

I turned my head slowly--far enough that I had to turn my whole body around. Makio's house was dark and all the windows were covered by an unknown layer of thin looking bricks. There was a little boy in front of me, who was stood next to the door that was blocked off by red tape. He stared at me with an empty blank expression. He held a dark brown teddy bear with a red dog collar. I stared back and realized, it was my childhood friend. He looked the same as the day I last saw him, but something was different, something was not right. Though the light was dim, I could somehow see him clearly. Tiny cuts and bruises were covering his face and arms. I felt that pain that he may have felt from those wounds. My heart ached. I began to step forward, but I only had moved one foot as I started to speak hesitantly, "Why--"  Something stopped me. I stopped moving. The foot that I had moved, felt wet. I looked down and saw, what I thought wa blood, slowly flowing out from under the door. My eyes widened with shock and I looked back up to my friend. He gestured his arms with the bear towards the door, as if her were telling me to go in. My arm struggled to move up--it felt like hundreds of pounds were holding it down. I grabbed the handle and easily opened it. The room was pitch black. I could not see a single thing except the blood floor near the entrance of the door. 

"Why did you leave me?" A voice of a child spoke. White dull tired eyes appeared before me as a white, bloody stained hand started to reach towards for my neck. I stepped back one step and it grabbed my neck and dragged me into the room--the door closed, and everything went black.

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