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Early morning I could not sleep. A restless night, I thought about this kiss. I snuck out of the house before dawn and sat upon that spot in the forest. Water flowing steadily and quite higher than normally, since it had rained a few times so far this school year. I can tell that summer is coming to an end. I wore many layers of clothing from this chilly morning. I say upon the spot where Makio was sitting when we first met. Remembering that time, that calm and peaceful day, as I saw his drawing and I sitting off to the side in the scenery. I started to think to myself, I wonder what he was truly thinking. Why did he draw me truly? Though he did said I looked peaceful just sitting there... was there something else? I pulled my legs up and buried my face in my knees, and closed my eyes. What is this feeling? This aching in my heart as I think about him. This isn't right. I shouldn't be thinking this. Tears started to weep out of my eyes. The earth became brighter by the break of dawn. I looked up as small tears still ran down my cheeks. The sight of the sunrise through the branches and leaves of what I could see, was beautiful. Passed the trees were the color of pure pink. Oh what a sight this would be on the horizon. If I ran now, I would not make it in time to see the last bit of color. I started to walk around the area of that I love. No one ever comes around. Is this place really that secret? Are Makio and I the only ones to have seen this beauty of a place? I'm grateful, very much grateful. My head slightly tilted up, my eyes closed and my left hand as a fist on my heart. I long for an answer for all my questions though. I relaxed my hand back down. Why is this world full of mystery? I just want a simple life.

Rustling in the bushes near the trees sounded loudly, and small whisper was heard. I turned towards the noise. I slowly walked to the tree that I heard it from. I turned and my back up againsts the tree trunk. Slowly, I turned around, to see that Makio stood there standing as he was trying to hide from me, hoping I would not hear that noise of the bush.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

Makio looked at me with a slight smile, "oh, you caught me."

My face remained emotionless as he spoke, "I asked you a question."

That small smile that was on Makio's face disappeared and his eyes widened a little. "I came here after I had dropped that home word at my house. I just needed to be alone for the rest of the day without anyone disturbing me. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep... I woke up not long before you came, though. I saw you coming and I didn't want you to see me here, so I hid."

My face teared up again as I just stood there in front of him. My eyes closed and I fell towards Makio, as he caught me. I had fallen asleep.

. . .

A hand was caress through my hair as I woke up. I touched my head as I sat up from laying. Makio had my head resting upon his leg as I slept.

"Good afternoon." He said to me as I was sitting up, "How was your sleep?"

"It was fine." I responded. "How long did I sleep for?"

"Um, I'd say about eight hours." he said as he looked up.

"Oh", I only responded with.

A sudden butterfly landed onto Makios right hand, and he moved it up to see it at a close distance. "Such a beautiful butterfly. To see how the butterfly flies and how beautiful it is as it sits upon my finger. The purity and gracefulness it has, But never and ever less, shy and hard to catch. With their innocent wings, deep soul, and omen. They are more dangerous than they appear." Makio moved his hand quickly and somehow crushes the butterflies soul. I widened my eyes suddenly in shock. "The deep side lie of their beauty falsely yells out the name... The name of thirst." Makio finished as he crumbled up the butterfly and let it drop like ash blowing away in the wind.

Those words pierced my skin as I stared at his had that had crushed the butterfly. Makio had jumped down from the miniature looking cliff that he always sits upon, cleansing his hands from the deceased soul that once was beautiful to the eye.

Makio turned around and walked around to where I was still sitting. He wrapped his left hand around my back and his right arm underneath to carry my legs. He lifted me up and walked back down to the water.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he did so.

He sat down with me still in his arms. I did not say a word or peeped a sound since then. I just let him do what he just did. That was not like me.

Pulling me closer in his arms, and spoke, "Do you hear that?"

I stayed silent as I did not know what he was talking about.

"Do you hear that noise the forest always makes? That peaceful sound... That innocent vibe." He hugged me close. "I want to apologize for yesterday, it was selfish of me. I couldn't resist at that moment." He buried his head on my right shoulder for a little while, and after he had a smirk on his face and continued, "Im going to go home and clean up for the party. You should do the same."

"Oh okay." I responded and Makio let go of me and left to his home.

. . .

That young night, as I promised to meet Makio near the Cafe that I like. They were closing up as night restaurants and bars started to open. This town's busiest when it's night, because I hear that the night restraunts are the best. I remember going to one once when I was little and it was my cousin's birthday party. Though the streets are still silent with very few people walking the roads, the night restraunts are the things that are packed with people. I look up, as the street lights start to arise with dim brightness as the sky becomes an absence of light. Staring at the pole just across from me, I remember that one night not long ago, that I saw that lotus flower drifting along with the wind, slowly enough to easily catch it. Now remembering, I forgot about that beautiful flower. I'm pretty sure it's still there, on my night stand. I thought to myself.

"Sorry that I'm Late" he said as he ran up to me.

"It's fine." I responded and he started to pull me a long to the party that he was invited to. It was slight, but I could already smell the stench of smoke and alcohol on him. It was chilly out, but his hands were quite warm.

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