We Met

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Wonshik went back to Busan to visit his grandmother who has been hospitalized for a week. He's currently studying in Seoul and it's his first visit in 8 months. Both excited and nervous, he didn't wait for the elevator coming up from the 6th floor down, instead, he ran upstairs. Rushing up without looking, he accidentally hit someone who was coming down, causing the other one to fall at least 2 steps. He apologized but realized that he just hit someone in a crutch.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Here, let me help you..."

Noticing the other guy's not normally disabled, he hurriedly helped him.

"Looks disgusting?" The guy asked. Wonshik hurriedly shook his head. "I just felt. Look, I'm really really sorry." He looked up and noticed that the other guy is actually a flower boy. He was naturally shining. He's gorgeous, he thought.

"Why?" The guy cut him off his stare. "No-nothing..." he stuttered. The guy's voice isn't really mad. It was actually soft and he has a kind tone.

"Oh. Okay. I'll get going now." He smiled showing his perfect dimples.

"Wait! I'll help you down." Wonshik offered.

"But weren't you in a hurry?"

"Oh, right! B-but... I'll help you first, if it's okay?"

"Of course it is." The other guy smiled again.

Wonshik held his waist and let the guy's left arm rest on his shoulders. "You should probably get another pair so it'll be easier."

"Nah. I have to exercise so I don't really need it. By the way..." he stopped walking. "I'm Hongbin. You?"

"I'm Wonshik. But my friends back in Seoul call me Ravi."

"I like Wonshik better. It gives off the friendly vibe." Hongbin said, smile never leaving his face. Wonshik smiled back.

"Where are you heading to?"

"I'm going to the cafeteria nearby."

"Alone?" Wonshik asked with a slight worry. "Where's your parents? Friends?"

"Well... let's just say no one is really with me right now." Hongbin gave a faint smile.

Wonshik wanted to accompany Hongbin but he needs to go to his Grandmother as well so he has no choice. He helped him with his order first and helped him sit down.

"Hey... I'm really sorry. I have to see my grandmother first..." he scratched his head.

"No, no. It's okay. You've done enough. Thank you." Hongbin smiled. "Run along now."

"But! If we'll talk like real fast, maybe I could... help you up again?" Wonshik crossed his fingers hoping he weren't being too fast or creepy.

"Well... if you want to." Hongbin giggled. "I won't go anywhere. I'll be here maybe until 4pm."

Wonshik checked his watch. 1:30pm.

"Okay! I'll see you later." He smiled and waved goodbye. He ran back to the hospital again. He doesn't know why he's so friendly but something about Hongbin makes Wonshik want to take care of him.

He's nice and kind. There's no doubt in that.

His smile? Sincere.

He gives off a vibe of a friend worth keeping. Plus, it's been a while since Wonshik last visited Busan. It's time for him to meet some friends from his Hometown.

"Grandma!" Wonshik shouted as he entered his grandma's private room. He hugged her so tight. "I miss you so much!"

"Then why didn't you visit sooner?" Wonshik's mom emerged from the bathroom. "Oh mom. This grandson of yours kept on dancing and rapping on different clubs. That's probably why he weren't able to come a bit sooner!"

"Is that so?" Wonshik's grandma pouted.

"Grandma!" He hugged her again. "I think someone is a bit jealous." He teased his mom. He broke away from his grandma and hugged his mom too. "I miss you too." He smiled sheepishly.

"Aigoo. No one could resist your cuteness." His mom hugged him back. "By the way, you said you'd be here around 1pm. What took you so long?"

"Well. I rushed a bit and bumped into someone disabled so I helped him. He's around my age I guess." His mom nodded while listening. "But mom..." he continued. "His legs are different. The other one is shorter than the other and a bit curved. It's.... strange."

His grandmother and Mrs. Kim looked at each other and laughed. "Oh Wonshik. You're so clueless." His grandmother teased. He's confused. Why were they laughing?

"Wonshik, that's the disease called Polio. It's not really strange. A lot of people has this disease right now."

"Then why haven't I seen those cases?"

"Since when did you care about the people around you? Specially disabled or people with disease?" his mom teased again.

"Hey! I'm not that mean." He pouted. He kind of felt pity for Hongbin and that made him want to take care of Hongbin more.

Wonshik caught up with a lot of stories from his mom and grandmother. Eventually his dad came and they all tell stories. It's been a while, he thought. He missed this. His mom ordered dinner for them and that's when he realized, it was already 7pm.

"Oh shit! Mom, sorry. I'll go out for awhile. I'll be back!"

"Hey Wonshik! That kid... Since when did you start talking like that!" She yelled but Wonshik already dashed off in the corridor.

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