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   "Well, you seemed a lot healthier and happier compared to your past check-ups." the doctor praised Wonshik's grandma.

"Of course, Doctor. My grandson brought me today." she smiled from ear to ear.

The doctor laughed, and so did Wonshik and his grandma. "This will definitely help you become healthier."

"Thank you, Doctor."

They bid goodbye with smile on their faces. Wonshik reconsidered studying in Busan instead. He misses them so much and he would give up studying in Seoul to do this everyday for his grandma. While they were walking, Wonshik noticed the man they got in the elevator with. He met eyes with him but walked ahead. He wants to go home so bad so he rushed to the elevator, pressed the button and pressed the "close" button.

Hongbin stopped. Wonshik. He's back.

He was frozen in his place. He didn't know why he felt this kind of excitement. His heart was beating fast. He wanted to run, chase him, talk to him again, but he was frozen in his place. Where did they come from? How would he know what was the name of Wonshik's grandma if the only thing he knows about him is his name. Wonshik. No last name, address, just Wonshik.

"Mr. Hongbin?" a nurse led him back to reality.

"Oh. Y-yes?"

"Do you want me to help you go to the rehab?" she smiled but with a mark of pity.

"Yes please." he said, still with his mask on.

He was lonelier. He did everything just like how he does everyday but there's a missing part of him. He wanted to scream and cry, but he has no idea why he wants to do so. Perhaps, because of Wonshik?

He asked the nurse inside the rehab.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

The nurse stopped what she was doing. She was taken aback with his words. "W-why Sir?"

Hongbin smiled. "It's just that it's really crazy how some strange feeling can change our mood from happy to sad or vice versa." he looked at her with his dimple smile. The nurse went near Hongbin. She was a middle-aged woman with 3 kids and a happy marriage life. Hongbin thought, maybe, just maybe, she knows what to say.

"Well sir... there are times when the heaven tells us who's for us. Love at first sight isn't real for me. Attraction, yes. But if we felt this kind of feeling that isn't normally what we feel towards one person who we just met, that's the heaven sending us a signal. It's not love at first sight, but rather, a sign that the person we're with is the one we could spend our entire life with." she said in her most calm tone.

Hongbin made a right choice to ask her. Maybe that was what he was feeling. He wasn't that attracted to Wonshik to keep on thinking about him everyday, he thought. He felt like he heard the right words.

"But what if... we might not see each other again?"

"That's not possible, sir. You will. Trust me." she said smiling at him as if she knows perfectly what he's going through. "I'm happy for you Mr. Hongbin. Ever since Dr. Lee passed away, I haven't seen that sincere smile from you. Dr. Lee is very precious to the hospital, and you are very precious to him."

Hongbin really loved this nurse. She's sincere, simple and caring. She's very motherly. He spent almost everyday with her in the rehab and she never hesitated to help other patients as well.

When he finished his exercises, he went back to the cafeteria Wonshik brought him to. It was his favorite, but he likes it even more now. To be very honest, he was confused. He wanted to make Wonshik his friend. Or was it more than that? It's his first time to feel this way. It was exciting but it was devastating as well. He wished to see Wonshik once again.

He promised himself not to froze on place again, not to think the moment he sees him, he'll talk to him and will wish for friendship. He needs someone right now and he thought, he needs Wonshik better than anyone else. I mean. he's really kind, helpful, he's cute too! There's nothing more he could ask for. He was talking to himself inside his mind. He fell into his imagination.

While he was so deep in his thoughts, Wonshik entered and ordered 3 smoothies. It took about 5 minutes to make all of it, so he sat down beside Hongbin's table. Wonshik was scrolling through his phone and Hongbin's still promising things inside his mind on what to do when he sees Wonshik again without even knowing that he's right beside him.

He was staring at the table. He still has his mask on and he was deep in thought. Wonshik noticed him and was about to tap him when the cashier yelled his name for his order. He sat up and payed for it. Hongbin's eyes suddenly grew bigger.


He looked up but Wonshik was already running out of the cafeteria.

"W-wait..." he wanted to stand up but it's too late. He already got into the taxi and he watched as it drove off. He didn't know what to feel. One thing's for sure. He felt stupid. "Why are you so stupid Hongbin?! What the hell are doing!? Ugh!" His head fell back in frustation. Just what was he doing when the man he was looking for's beside him? It was already late when he noticed that he yelled inside the cafeteria and everyone was looking at him like he's some kind of nutjob.

Just like his normal routine, he went back to the hospital the next day. He tried to use his crutches again so he could really exercise his body. Elevator or stairs?


He tried to go to the 5th floor where the Rehab is when a man passed him by jogging upstairs. He stopped and so did the boy. He looked up and the other boy turned around and look down. They stared at each other for a good 10 seconds.



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