We Met Again

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"W-wonshik..." Hongbin froze.

"Hey! I'm really really sorry! I wasn't able to meet you again. You left and I wasn't able to..."

"It's okay." Hongbin cut him off. "It's okay. It's not like it was your responsibility." He smiled again with his angelic face. Ravi nodded and smiled too.

"Uhm... so..." he scratched the back of his head. "I'm about to get my grandma.. but I can help you first." Wonshik smiled.

He held Hongbin's back for support which caught Hongbin off guard. He didn't know what to do. His heart was about to burst from these emotions but he has to hide the fact that he's all giddly inside.

"So... you're going to the rehab regularly?" Wonshik asked.
"Yes. I have to exercise well." Hongbin smiled.

Then there was silence.

Wonshik cleared his throat. "Uhm... so I asked the nurses before about you. They say there weren't any patient named Hongbin?"
"Yes. I'm not a patient." He smiled. Wonshik wavered and loosen his grip. "Are you..."
"Am I what?" He stared at Wonshik.
"No way...." he went down one step. Wonshik didn't know what to do or what to feel. Perhaps.. was he a...

"Ghost?" Hongbin asked. Woshik almost fell but Hongbin held his hand. He laughed at Wonshik's reaction. "No! I'm not a ghost." He smiled.

Wonshik was relieved. He was really scared of ghosts.

He fixed his posture and act manly. "Then why aren't you a patient?"
"Well... my father who adopted me was a well known doctor here. He was also one of the stockholders. I get to use the facilities for free because it was in his last will and testament."

Wonshik nodded.

"So i'm not a patient. I receive special treatments under my father."

Wonshik nodded again. It was awkward because he suddenly felt lonely. He cleared his throat again. "So.... you're alone now?"

Hongbin nodded cheerfully.

"But you look happy."

"There's no reason for me to be sad. The people around me helps me a lot. I'm really thankful for them."

Wonshik admires Hongbin. He stidies in Seoul but feels lonely right away even though he has a lot of friends and his family is waiting for him back home.

"Thank you." Hongbin said.
"Thank you. We're here now."

Wonshik looked around. "Oh. Yeah.... you're welcome." He smiled. But he was wondering why Hongbin's staring at him. He then realized that he was still holding Hongbin.

"OH! I'm sorry." He scratched his head.
"Okay. You can go now. Goodbye." Hongbin smiled. They were saying goodbye but none of them were moving. "Uhm.. okay wait." Wonshik said. He took a deep breath and said, "Can I... get your number or something?"

"Ohhhh." Hongbin's tone was excited. "Of course. Of course!" He smiled hurrying. He got his phone out. "Enter yours and i'll enter mine." Wonshik nodded and gave his phone to him. They typed each other's number with their smile never leaving their face.

"So... i'll see you next time?"
"Hmm-mm." Hongbin smiling showing his dimples.

The moment Wonshik got home, he hurriedly grabbed his phone and texted Hongbin

"Hi! :)"


"What are you doing rn? :)"

"Still on rehab."

"Oh. Text me when you get home. :)"

Hongbin smiled unknowingly.

"Looks like everything's falling to its place." the nurse in the rehab said.
"Oh! If only you knew how hard everything is for me! Did you know we met again? And it was really really confusing and I was so pressured about everything coz we never met although I saw him two times after we met, he didn't see me which is a bummer, right? Oh gosh. I think i'm really falling for him. How could this be? We just met and..." hongbin suddenly froze realizing how talktative he was and that there were more people inside the rehab.

"Okay everyone. Continue your workout." She announced and smiled. "Uhm, Hongbin dear. Lower your voice please." She said trying not to laugh.
"S-sorry." He took a deep breath. "I was just so excited to see him. I feel reunited with my best friend or boy...." he smiled at his thoughts. He felt crazy but it was exciting at the same time. It's a whole new experience for him. He then cleared his throat.
"But you know what nurse... I think you're right. We'll meet if God lets us. We really did!" He was smilig from ear to ear. He was so blooming. He was handsome but it feels beyond handsome, the nurse thought.
"Oh... what love can do." The nurse smiled and held his hand. "Okay! Let him be your motivation and let's start!"

Hongbin hurried back home. He was exhausted but he felt like Wonshik will recharge him.

"Hey! I'm home."

"Hi ! I've been waiting for your text. :)"

"Sorry. I was really busy. But i'm ok now."

"I think you better rest first. I know you're tired from exercising. :)"

"No, it's fine. I like it better if i'll talk to you."

"You sure? :)"


"Ok. :)"

Hongbin loved those smileys after Wonshik's texts. It makes him more friendly and cute. It's always there when he texts that Hongbin can't help but smile at every text. Except, of course, coz he's giddly inside again.

For hours, they continued talking about things they love, what they do, if they'll.see each other again where would Wonshik take him to, and more. They felt so close. They texted until 3am and if it weren't for Wonshik's grandma, they wouldn't notice the time.

Wonshik felt as if Hongbin was his responsibility. He wanted to take care of Hongbin. He was strong enough on his own but Wonshik can't help but feel like he wants to stay beside Hongbin all the time. He needed to tell Hongbin what he feels and ask him if he could stay by Hongbin's side. But of course, now isn't the right time, he thought.

The worst thing Wonshik could think of is him going back to Seoul. I mean, yes. He loves going there but being close to Hongbin made him feel more homesick just thinking about it. It feels like he's going to leave a part of him that it makes him hurt just thinking about it.

It was part of his routine to drop his grandma off and go to Hongbin for a while. "You're leaving me more often." His grandma pouted.
"C'mon grandma. I told you, he's alone and he doesn't have any family left. Besides, he's my friend." He pleaded.
"Alright. But be sure to be back minutes before my check up ends."

Wonshik nodded and kissed her grandma goodbye for a while. He ran back to rehab to help Hongbin work out. They tell stories, jokes and sometimes Wonshik goofs off and works out too. The nurse loved seeing them together. Knowing how fast they became friends and how well they get by together, she loves their friendship.

It continued for a month.

But Wonshik has to go.

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