Why You?

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For the past few days, Hongbin and Wonshik were together for his treatment. They exercise together, eat together, rest together, and at the end of the day, they sleep toegther. Hongbin can't help it but to feel happy. He's with him all day. But he can't be too excited for Wonshik, right?

He woke him up happily one morning.

"Wonshik! Wake up baby boy." Hongbin said in a sweet voice. He was shaking him soft but Wonshik brushed his hand off.

Hongbin pouted. "Wonshiiiiiiikiiiie~ I made breakfast for you! My special pancakes!" He announced and continued shaking Wonshik.

"WILL YOU STOP IT?!" Wonshik glared. With just those words, Hongbin felt heavy. He nodded while Wonshik was still looking and headed for the door. Maybe she just have to let Wonshik be for a while. He needs to sleep right? Besides, his change of attitude is part of the symptoms. Hongbin needs to be understanding.

Mrs. Kim was right outside coincidentally. When Hongbin head out, she smiled and assured him that she'll talk to Wonshik. She went inside, firm and ready to talk Wonshik out of his depression. She needs to. Otherwise, all of them will break down.

"What was that all about?"

Wonshik checked who it was and closed his eyes again. "What?"

"How could you yell at Hongbin like that? He made those pancakes he was proud of for 2 hours!"

"Well maybe because I need to sleep like what the doctor told me so. I can't hardly sleep at night and you'll wake me up this early?"

Mrs. Kim sighed and forced Wonshik to sit down. "Stop this."

Wonshik sat down annoyed. "Stop what?!"

"Bringing Hongbin down! He's not as strong as us, you know? And you have to be strong too! If you're strong, everyone is strong!"


They both stared at each other. No one was talking but they can feel how hurt the both of them is.

Wonshik broke down. "Maybe...maybe I disappointed everyone. I disappointed Hongbin. And it's not making me strong any further."

"What do you mean you disappointed us?"

"I promised to graduate and be someone in the near future. I promised Hongbin that I'll give him a good life! I studied and worked hard but because of this disease, my 24 hours is taken away for my treatment. I'm nothing now, mom."

Mrs. Kim gave Wonshik a tight hug and looked into his eyes.

"Son, you are never a disappointment and will never be a disappointment to us. We're not pressuring or rushing you to become someone you want or someone you're not. We're here for you no matter what and no matter how long this takes, you'll always be someone we're proud of. Remember that." she said.

"And Hongbin... oh that sweet guy. Do you think he's disappointed in you? He wasn't even expecting you to give him a good life. Because if he did, he wouldn't be here right now, willing to sacrifice everything for you. All he wants is for you to show your love! Remember that." she continued.

Mrs. Kim gave Wonshik an earful and he was happy about it. He kept bringing himself down when everyone is trying to raise him up. He's making his symptoms an excuse for something that he's giving himself. Yes, he's sick. But he shouldn't indulge himself that he is because nothing will happen if he will.

Little did they know, Hongbin was outside, listening. He teared up hearing how down Wonshik is and how Wonshik thought he disappointed Hongbin made him feel heavier. He was part of why Wonshik is feeling down.

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