I Will Never Forget You

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Wonshik preferred to be burried. When he was alive, he reason out that he wanted his family to make atleast once a year effort to see his grave.

Wonshik's family insisted that Hongbin should stay with them. They're family now, but Hongbin refused.

"Hongbin, you're not just someone. You're family. Please stay with us." Mrs. Kim pleaded.

Hongbin smiled, still refusing. "Mrs. Kim, I don't mean to sound offensive, but aren't you mad at me? All of these wouldn't happen if it weren't for me."

"Hongbin, Wonshik wouldn't fight through his disease if it weren't for you. He wouldn't have the best moments he ever had in his life if it weren't for you. Don't ever think that we're blaming you because no one asked for it." Mr. Kim said.

Mrs. Kim excused her and Hongbin to talk for a while.

"You know, I didn't like you when he said he wanted to live with you. It's not because I think you're not good for him. It's because I felt like my precious son is being stolen away from me. But you know what? When I saw the way he smile and laugh around you, when I see him so happy just being with you, I knew you were different. I knew my son was with a good person."

Mrs. Kim started to tear up. "And seeing how you stayed..." her tears started streaming down. "...It was all clear to me. You're such a good person. I'm thankful that you stayed with our precious son in his last few days."

Hongbin hugged Mrs. Kim. He can't help but cry as well. Everything was too painful not only for him, but specially to the person who gave birth to Wonshik. He left too early. He had a lot of dreams. They promised lifetime for each other. They planned out their lives but it was vanished right before their eyes. It's all too painful and heavy. He can't take this much pain. He doesn't know how everyone will live on with Wonshik not around.

He was gone in a flash.

No warning. No signs. No clues. No goodbyes. No last words.

He can't tell himself to stay positive. Is that even possible? He can't even see a ray of sunshine. Everything was gloomy. Everything's dark. It feels like he fell into a black hole because he can't see an end to this painful event. Life played hard on them. They were at their happiest and gave them a smack of sadness.

Life gave them what's in return for too much happiness. Is it really required? Was it really true that everything has its return? Why does life have to be this cruel? The pain is unbearable.

This is all too much.

It's too much.


Dearest Wonshik,

I will start by saying, I love you so much and I will never get tired of saying that. You are so precious to me.

Thank you for showing me the things I've never seen, teaching me the things I never knew, letting me hear the things I've never heard before, and making me say things I have never said before.

You're the reason why I've been nothing but happy for the past years of my life. It was in fact the happiest moments of my life.

I will never forget the way you smile at me, the way you laugh at the funny things I do and funny stories I told. I'll never forget the way you frown when I made you feel bad. You're always gorgeous, do you know that?

I'll never forget the way you look when you wake up. I'll never forget how good you still look like when you're working out and when you're tired. I'll never forget the way you look like when you sleep. You look like an angel.

We've shared a little time compared to other people. But we've shared enough experiences to say that we have it all. We're strong enough to make it through those Avalanche.

I'm going to try my best to fill my life with positivity. I learned being strong when I'm with you. I knew what true happiness feels like because of you. I felt being cherished the same way as I cherished you. I felt being in love and being loved in the same amount as I give.

You left the physical world but your love never left me. I can still feel your arms around me. I can still feel your love for me. I can still feel how happy I am because I met you. I still am happy because of you. You're still here with me. I can finally say that you're in my heart.

I am nothing but happy.

I am nothing but in love.

Being with you is when I was at my happiest. You gave me a reason to continue believing that life is more than what it seems. You gave me a chance to explore what life has to offer. Being with you is my life's greatest adventure.



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