But We're Tested Again

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Hongbin went to Jeju with Wonshik as promised. Hongbin thought that Wonshik deserves this. He works so hard when he doesn't even need to. They did everything they had to do when you're in Jeju. They went to the Teddy Bear Museum at Jungmun Resort Area, they visit some of the famous drama locations and joked around re-enacting some scenes, they walked along the Olle Trails to which Hongbin noticed something wrong with Wonshik. Since he insisted on walking with his clutches, he was walking side by side with Wonshik. Wonshik was stiff and he was walking slowly.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, no." Wonshik brushed it off. "I'm just probably tired. I feel tired these past few days, and NO! I don't overwork myself." he added before Hongbin could even talk.

He doesn't look good but Hongbin thought he may be not feeling well. I mean, he too is tired. Who wouldn't be? Olle Trails is really tiring. It might be time for them to sit down and rest or eat somewhere to take away the fatigue.

On their last day, they went to the Jusangjeolli Cliffs. It was so beautiful, Hongbin couldn't help but take a lot of pictures. Did he mention how much he loves taking pictures? It's one of his dreams to be a photographer. But life hindered him from doing so. A lot of things are happening that he has no choice but to just make it his hobby.

He took a lot of Wonshik's stolen photos with his eyes shut, feeling the cold breeze and smelling the fresh air. Wonshik looked gorgeous. How could Hongbin be so lucky to have this guy, he thought.

The vacation was short but it was worth it. They can't stay any longer because they both have things to do, but they promised theirselves that they'll be back.

Hongbin woke up one night with Wonshik kicking the sheets. He felt uneasy. He was half asleep and half awake. Hongbin shook him to wake him up and hugged Wonshik when he got into his senses.

"Something wrong?"

"I just...can't fall asleep."

Hongbin smiled and hugged Wonshik tighter. "I hope I can make you fall asleep." They fell into slumber. Although Wonshik still wakes up every now and then, Hongbin makes sure he'll sleep soundly.

He got up early to cook Wonshik some breakfast. It was an alarm clock for the boy, too. He usually wake up 5 minutes after Hongbin put the pancakes into the pan. But this time, the breakfast was nearly done and Wonshik still wasn't up. He still has to eat and he'll be late if he didn't wake up so he went back to their room. As much as he don't want to wake him up, he has to.

Wonshik was startled. "You're up early."

"No, silly. It's already 7:30. You're usually up around 7am but you were having a bad time sleeping last night. That must be it, right?"

"Yeah, it was really hard. Probably the reason." Wonshik smiled and stood up. "Let me help you make breakfast."

"I just finished making it." Hongbin said with a confusion.

"But I didn't smell anything. And no matter how deep my sleep is your pancakes always wake me up."

They were both looking at each other, confused. Yes. Hongbin's pancake has this spell that 5 minutes later, Wonshik would crawl out of bed to eat. But he was probably tired. What else could there be, right?

"Let's just eat." Wonshik suggested.

He was still feeling tired. It was unusual. It wasn't normal for him to lose energy. During classes, his hand would shake sometimes. His handwriting was getting smaller too. He didn't mean to but he was writing that way. He was trying to change it but he'll get a smaller letter then.

Whenever it's break time, his classmates would joke about a lot of things and would notice him emotionless. They would ask him constantly if he's okay or if he didn't find the jokes funny.

"No, it was actually funny. I find it funny."

"Then...why are you so emotionless?"

"I.. don't know.

Everything wasn't like him anymore. He doesn't know what's wrong.

"I'm tired. That's just it." he told himself.

He was still having a hard time sleeping. It happens every night. But something worse happened.



"Wonshik! Where are you?" Hongbin called again to which Wonshik was confused. "Yes, hon?!" he yelled.

"Wonshik?! Why weren't you answering? Help me cook hon." Hongbin said smiling.

"But I was answering."

"I'm sorry? Did you say something?"

Wonshik stared at Hongbin. Was he playing games? "Hon, I said, I was answering." Hongbin stared at him, too. "Dear, if you want to tell me something, please say it louder." he looked at Wonshik, worried. He doesn't seem okay.

"I'm yelling." Wonshik said. "Don't you hear me?"

Hongbin hears Wonshik but he was talking softly and lowly. He immediately called the hospital for an appointment. What was happening? It's not normal and it was scaring the both of them.

What's happening, Wonshik?

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