Lived Together

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  "I'm proud of you, honey." Mr. Kim said smiling at his wife after Wonshik and Hongbin left. "You let them do what they want. They're old enough for our restrictions and you easily let them go."

"Oh, I haven't yet." Mrs. Kim said while putting the cup of tea. "I still don't trust that Hongbin guy. But you can't expect me to make my son feel bad about me for the rest of my life." she said while smiling sarcastically.

"You haven't changed." Wonshik's grandmother said as she sat down with them bringing more tea. "Let them go. Sincerely. Your son, sooner or later, will do this. It's earlier than expected but atleast he's ready himself."

"That's the point! It's too early!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed as she stood up. "He hasn't faced the real world yet and now, he's making decisions? Like this?" she then laughed sarcastically. "If you expect me to let my son go and live with that handicapped freely? Then you're wrong. If I have to go there everyday to make him feel like he made the worst decision, then I will."

Mr. Kim and Wonshik's mother just shook their head. She's crazy for his son. But who could blame a mother?

Wonshik thought about applying for a part-time job. He needs to atleast contribute for the daily expenses with Hongbin. It has been a month and he felt like he has to atleast act his part in living together. He got into Caffe Primo as a waiter and he saves the money for emergencies. Hongbin and he agreed to have a shared bank account for such emergencies knowing that one of them isn't very much healthy.

After 3 months of working, Wonshik felt tired. He's usually very energetic when it comes to things he wants to pursue but he's just really tired. He asked his manager about getting off work early and just in time, Hongbin got home from the hospital too. They both lay down the sofa, hugging each other. Hongbin felt really bad about Wonshik working when he doesn't have to. He gets percentage from the hospital by being a stockholder so he can support them very well but he understands where Wonshik's decisions are coming from.

They were about to fall in deep slumber when Mrs. Kim barged in.

"Wonshik! My baby!" she said as she broke off their hug and embraced the obviouly tired Wonshik. "I thought you'll take care of my baby boy? I let you both go for 3 months on your own and this happened so fast?!"

Wonshik loosen their grip. "Mom, it's not Hongbin's fault. I decided to get a part time job and help because it's embarassing having to ask you for allowance while my boyfriend supports me, too. I have to do something on my own." He pushed his mom back and hugged Hongbin. "And! I am not a baby boy anymore."

Mrs. Kim gave an annoyed look at Hongbin so he pushed Wonshik off. "What?! Let her be." Wonshik said causing Mrs. Kim to gasp and spank him. She stood up infront of Hongbin.

"How could you manage to let my son work while you don't? I guess you're living a pretty good life, huh?! If you won't take care of my son the way he does to you, might as well live on your own!" she stormed outside. Wonshik mouthed sorry to Hongbin and followed his mom.

He grabbed her wrist. "I thought everything's fine? What's all these?"

"Is it wrong for me to visit and worry about you? If I didn't visit you today then I wouldn't have known you're this tired! It's the first time I saw you looking like a stepped rag Wonshik!"

"Mom, how is it Hongbin's fault still? I get enough money but I want more for us! I have to learn what it's like in the bigger world. Just like what you always tell me to do!"

"That's the point of all these Wonshik. You haven't been on the real world! Let's see until when you'll keep with these child's play. Don't expect me to leave you alone. When I hear another word from you being close to sick, expect me to get you the minute I know!" she glared at Hongbin through the little open space of the front door and stormed out into her auto. Wonshik felt embarassed about all these. Hongbin doesn't deserve all these mistreatments he got from his mother.

He went to Hongbin and stood him up. He sat down and let Hongbin sat on his lap.

"W-what are you doing?!" he said while slapping Wonshik's arm.

"Hugging my baby." Wonshik said as he closed his eyes and tighten his grip. "I need to restore my energy and all I need is you." he smiled as he rested his head on Hongbin's shoulder.

Wonshik was so lovely. He's full of charisma and he's so handsome. You won't get tired of looking at him. Every touch and every word from electrocutes you. He's irresistable, that's for sure. He's one of those guys who's hard to find and Hongbin felt lucky that he found one of his own. He'll do anything for you and he already proved it. Maybe Wonshik's mom is right. He has to start taking care of Wonshik. He needs it more specially that he's becoming tired probably because of work.

He made him breakfast, packed him lunch and welcomes him home with dinner. He cleans the house despite the challenge of it being hard but he has to do it so Wonshik's mind can relax. He always put out his clothes, although most of the times Wonshik changes it. They were like a newly-wed couple and Hongbin loves the idea of it. He thought about Wonshik's health. Doing these simple things doesn't entirely rest him. So he offered him a vacation after he got home from work.

"Jeju?! Woooooooow! I've been there for like 3 times but when I got into college we never had time. I miss Jeju so bad. I'm so excited!"

"I was planning for an out-of-the-country trip but I don't have enough time to fix it. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby." Wonshik smiled and hugged Hongbin. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Hongbin kissed him and they fell into deep slumber.

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