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With the cue, the whole Rehabilitation room was lit up. Everyone he knows were there. Wonshik hugged him and he hugged Wonshik back. This was the happiest moment of their relationship. Finally, they can see the future for the both of them. They can finally say that they will last a life time. Everyone gave their own congratulations. It was as if they got married. The room's set up plus a buffet for everyone who participated, it was all too much for a proposal.

"When did you plan this?" Hongbin asked all smiles.

Wonshik looked up like he was thinking and grin, "2 days ago?" he smiled.

"But this is all too much!" Hongbin pouted. Wonshik leaned and kissed him. "If it's for you, it's never too much."

Everyone cleared their throat. "Save that for the honeymoon!" they laughed. They are all happy for the both of them. It was such a happy moment for the couple. They all stayed and told stories for hours and everything was like a reception. They danced after but of course, Hongbin and Wonshik stayed seated. They told funny stories and imagines of what it would be like in the near future. They savoured the moment as if it was their last.

Even on the way home, Hongbin and Wonshik were inseparable. "Would you like it if we come back to your house? I mean, if we'll get married, we can't stay in our house.""That sounds good, dear. But we need assistance."

Wonshik sighed and threw his head back. "Why do we have to worry about that?""We have to." Hongbin said firmly. "Okay, okay. Then we'll call them every now and then. Is that okay?""Yes. And maybe we could hire a personal nurse. For the both of us!" Hongbin said, excited. Wonshik smiled and nodded. "It'll be perfect."

They prepared for bed and lay down, looking at the blank ceiling, imagining their own scenarios.

"I still can't believe you surprised me like that." Hongbin said smiling. Wonshik faced him. "I love you so much. I love you, I love you, I love you. And I will never get tired of saying that."Hongbin looked at him. He was about to tear up. "Wonshik... I'm scared."Wonshik sat up, worried. "About what?"Hongbin the sat up too, facing Wonshik. "That this won't last. I love you so so much and this is the happiest moment of my life. I've finally secured you into my life. I don't want to share you, I don't want you talking in a sweet way to other people, I don't even want you to look at them." "Hongbin," Wonshik said caressing his face, "I will never, ever, replace you with anyone. Don't be scared. I'm right here, for lifetime. I will stay by your side like how you stayed by me." Wonshik said and planted a kiss on Hongbin's soft lips."I love you."Hongbin smiled. "I love you too."

They stared at each other's eyes for a long time. They realize how both of them are scared. Scared of losing each other. They love each other so much that time can't define it. They have shared something special and for over 3 years, they experienced challenges not all couples of few years have already experienced. They're different. Their love story is something special. It tested their faith and how much they love each other. No one budge. No one gave up on each other. No one left.

They faced a lot of problems for the past few years. It makes them happier that now, finally, they're official. They will never leave each other's side and nothing makes them happier than this moment. Wonshik kissed Hongbin good night and fell into slumber in each other's arms.

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