Had A Problem

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Wonshik stormed inside the house. He wasn't looking at anyone nor recognized their existence. Mrs. Kim stood up, teary eyed. They were all in the living room discussing what just happened.

"Wonshik! You're back!" she went near Wonshik but stopped at a certain distance noticing his expression. "S-son...." He glared at Mrs. Kim making her step backwards.

"Son, you're here. Where's hongbin?"

"In the place where mom wants him to be. Far away from me." he looked straight at his mom. "Are you happy now?"

His dad went in front of him and pushed him slightly. "What's wrong with you Wonshik? Your mother was protecting you. Do you like that boy too much you can't even respect your mother?" Wonshik let out a loud sarcastic laugh which caused confusion. "Respect?" He laughed again and clapped his hands.

"Sure. Let's talk about the respect. First. Did she thought about respecting Hongbin? I mean, from what I see, I was the one who needs some good beating but Hongbin took all the nasty stuff. He was spoken to in a manner of lacking "respect". He went in here with me. I forced him, I was crazy enough to go all the way back here and to tell him what I feel, tell my family what I feel, but what happened? Everything was supposed to be fine with a good conversation but no. We decided to be disrespectful without hearing his side, didn't we, mom?"

No one dared to talk. Wonshik has a point, everyone thought.

"You can tell it to me. Speak to me privately like how people who knows what respect is, right mom?!" his voice was raising. It was his first time getting angry at his family. "You just traumatized someone who just got over his worst event in his life and what did we do? We decided to disrespect him, right mom?!"


"Second!" He cut off his dad. "Did you thought about respecting my opinions? I'm not a little boy! I'm making decisions for myself that for the first time in my life, I thought about doing it sincerely! I have never had a voice in this house. Will you have a little faith in me? Huh?! Will you just try to consider what I feel, what I think and what I want?!" He repeatedly hit himself. He was making harsh actions that was making everything more serious. He was angry and everything that has been on his mind is finally out.

"You think you know what's best for me? You'll wait for the day you'll say "I told you so?" Well fxck it, mom! Fxck it! Just try to trust me for once! FOR ONCE! Let me make decisions that'll maybe divert what was supposed to happen in my life but will surely make me happy!"

Wonshik was panting. He has a lot more to say but he chose to let it aside. He was surprised about his actions but he has to say something. No one said a word. They were all feeling guilty, sad, angry and more. Hongbin was out of the question. It was about their family and their family alone. He wants to clear everything tonight but he just can't talk anymore. He walked quietly inside his room and shut the door.

The next day, he woke up and saw his family sitting in the dining room. The food were all ready but they were not eating. They were waiting for Wonshik to wake up and to join them. He sait quietly in front of his grandmother with his parents on other sides. He looked at his rice and he just burst into tears. It was childish that he wanted to laugh but he let out a cry instead. Written with a dried laver were the words "We're Sorry." Soon, they all started sniffing but no one spoke.

Wonshik broke the silence.

"I was wondering from the very first day of school why you insisted on making me study in Seoul. For the whole semester, I can't go home since my schedule was packed and it continued like that. I had to resist months of not seeing my family. You were all close about what I want to say but we have a very tight bonding compared to other families..." He wanted to continue but is tears won't let him.

"I didn't tell you how much I miss because you were teaching me to be independent but it's so lonely. I'm always alone. At the end of the day, I take care of myself. I got sick more than the hours of my sleep but I never said anything because I didn't want you to worry and think i'm weak. But it's really, really hard. I have to go clubbing every night to atleast ease the pain and accept that I have my friends at day but the reality that i'm alone slaps me at night."

"I want to stay here in Busan, mostly about Hongbin and to be back home with you. He makes me happy the way I felt when we're together. Even though we're in one room and no one's talking but we're happy. He made me realize that I just need him to make me happy again. And you know what? Staying might be the best for me because one more semester in Seoul and I might just end up killing myself."

"Hongbin..." his mother tried to stop because it was too much for her to bear. He didn't know that Wonshik feels this way. They were video chatting, texting or calling but it's much more different having them around in flesh. She remembered the times she didn't pick up his call because she was busy or doing something important. She felt guilty.

His grandmother stood up across the table and went to him to hug him. His father did the same. When Mrs. Kim hugged Wonshik she broke down in tears repeating the word "Sorry". Maybe all she needs to do is give him a chance. A chance to grow up on his own decisions and let him make a better him with his own actions. He is not a kid anymore. They have to let him go sooner or later. Right now she doesn't have to. In fact, his plan is making them closer. He doesn't have to leave early after a short semestrial break to go back to his "hell".

After breakfast, they talked it out while watching.

"So..." his mother started. "When will you introduce Hongbin again?" Wonshik stood up. "That's right." he rushed to his room and after a few minutes he went out.

"I'll go fetch Hongbin!" then he went back inside popping his head in. "And please! Talk nicely."

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