You Left

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Wonshik finished his semester and was so excited to go back home. He even packed his bags 2 weeks ahead and has almost 4 baggages consisting his clothes, but mostly things to give to his grandmother and mom. He also calls home 3 times a day, which is a miracle, his mother thought.

"I'll be home in 3 days." Wonshik smiles on the other line.

"Me and your grandma can't wait dear. But... i'm actually curious about something."

"What is it?" He sat up in curiosity.

"Why are you acting like this? I mean do you miss home that much? Or you miss someone else back here?" his mom asked, curious and excited.

Wonshik was thinking really hard. Was there someone else he wanted to see? He doubt there is anyone else he's excited for.

"Just you guys." he smiled.

They ended their conversation with I miss you's and I love you's.


Hongbin was busy moving his stuffs in the apartment he recently bought. Before his adoptive parent died, he made sure to leave Hongbin some money he saved up for the past 30 years of being a doctor. He went back to the hospital to get some of his stuffs and his father's.

"Mr. Hongbin!" the nurse in the front desk called him.

He carefully approached her with his lovely smile. "Yes?"

"We finally see each other! I've been wanting to talk to you but it's either you're out or i'm not in duty."

"Yes." He laughed shyly. "I've been pretty busy lately. I somehow moved on and planned to live how I did before." he smiled.

"It may have been months ago but I'm really sorry about Dr. Lee. I'm happy for you Mr. Hongbin." she said, consoling him. Hongbin smiled and was about to leave when the nurse speak again.

"I forgot to tell you sir but there was this guy looking for a patient named Hongbin before. He was in a hurry but went back down disappointed. Perhaps, you're the Hongbin he was talking about?"

Hongbin's eyes grew bigger. He was looking for Wonshik too but he doesn't know where and how to find him.

"What does he look like?" he said trying to keep in the excitement.

"Well... he looks like he's from Seoul. He has a beanie on. I haven't seen you with him before so I thought it wasn't you. But I guess it was really you." she smiled as if she knows what was going on.

Hongbin smiled and left. He doesn't know what to feel. Should he be happy about Wonshik looking for him? Or should he be sad knowing the fact that they might not see each other again? He kept his mind off of the boy, but he can't. There's something in him, he knew that.

For the next 2 days, he was busy on his new apartment. He asked help from his late father's doctor friends for the renovation and some nurses who has a crush on him. They helped him recover, helped him during check-ups and during rehabs. He was lucky to have these kind of people. But at the end of the day, he's alone. He sleeps alone, washes the dishes, his clothes, clean the house... he does all of these alone.

"I wonder what it feels like to have dad right now." he thought as he soon fell into slumber.

The next day, he bought things for himself. New clothes, some gadgets, even a mask. He was also thinking about putting up a business so that the money his father worked hard for will remain. He had various of ideas. He didn't want to stay in the hospital like before and pity himself for having the disease, and not having his father. He actually enjoyed it. He has never done it before because his father was busy trying to help him through his disease. But he enjoyed that too.

He went back home feeling lonelier.

Shopping is nothing, he thought. You really can't buy happiness.


Wonshik's finally back home. His grandma was fine but she still needs a few check-ups to maintain her health. He accompanied her the next day to the same hospital.

"Hi!" The nurses greeted in unison. Turns out his grandma was really friendly that the nurses even know her. She gave them chocolates before she got discharged and since then, they became really close considering the monthly check-ups she has to do.

"My grandma's like a celebrity." Wonshik teased.

"You never saw how popular I really was. This is nothing."

They both laughed going to the elevator. When Wonshik was about to close the door, someone wearing mask in a wheel chair stopped the door from closing.

It was Hongbin.

But Wonshik didn't noticed and let the man pressed the floor button. He has a leg shorter than the other. Polio. That was what his mom and grandma told him. He thought that people these days have this kind of disease. When the door opened, Wonshik and his grandma went out. Hongbin was left inside. He thought that it was adorable that a grandson brings his grandma to the hospital.

It was Wonshik.

But Hongbin didn't noticed.

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