Chapter Eleven

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   Alright, how the hell was he going to explain this one once Lucifer got wind of it?

   Because Lucifer very well could know that Gage saved an otherwise damned soul, not that he was all-knowing as god was, but since there was a witness…

   He had missed her entrance, was too frozen inside from Sera’s episode to notice the cold air Death brought with her when she appeared. It wasn’t until she started tapping those manicured claws against the table in boredom he realized she was there.

   And by that point it was too late.

   He wanted her to leave, and he wasn’t letting Sera go until she did. He knew it was within her power to steal the soul out of a mortal’s body willing or not if she deemed it was their time. But not if Gage was in the way. She couldn’t take the soul if it was protected by an immortal, his power hiding Sera’s weaker soul from Death’s grasp. And she knew this, which was why she waited.

   So he kept reassuring her over and over again that everything was okay and that it was all over, that she wasn’t going to die.

   Death that was, not Sera.

   He flicked his gaze to her empty stare, narrowing his eyes as if to say ‘fuck off already’ but she only grinned back.

   “Oh no, I’m sticking around for this one. I gotta know why you saved a life for once instead of taking it.”

   He hefted a heavy breath and shook his head as he looked away. He knew Sera hadn’t heard her, mortals could only hear Death when their own lives were coming to an end, and as Gage had just stopped such a thing from happening…

   Too bad he couldn’t talk back without Sera hearing him.

   It was better this way though, that Sera couldn’t see or hear Death. Because the death that stood before them was not the death most expected and surely would have lent to some questions on Sera’s part as to where a woman like that had come from. She wasn’t a black robe wearing, sickle carrying- though she had been known to every once in a while just for kicks- skeleton that would crook a finger at you when your time came. No, she was chesty blonde with a waist so small Gage could- and had from time to time- wrap his hands around with no room to spare. Not like Pestilence’s frail form, no, Death had the curves to make up for the tiny waist. She was thick where it counted. Perfect pouty lips, a button nose, she was the antithesis of what death was to mortals. Only her rose pink eyes gave any hint that she wasn’t human, eyes that matched her finger nail polish today he noticed.

   She didn’t emphasize her curves with any sort of sexy dress though, no miniskirts or low cut tops, she was classy despite her calling. Today she looked as if she had just left a business meeting with her crisp white top and loose black slacks. But that was just her, her appearance was inviting to all mortals. Assuming a beauty such as her could only have been sent from god to take them to the “holy land”. And though she had been known to bring a soul or two to heaven, since her and God had their own out a few centuries ago she preferred to pick up those weighed just to spite him.

   They had a few run ins over the centuries since they were mostly in the same business, even though the angels really did most of the brunt work when escorting souls. And they got to talking once which is when Gage learned of her indifference towards either deity. Even before they were all forced to pick sides she was neutral territory, both Zeus and Hates needing her and her service at some time or another. But she sided with God when Lucifer began taking on some of his more sadistic habits and stayed there without question for a long time.

   And now it may have been because of Gage’s influence that she acted as such-the two involved in a highly sexual and slightly romantic relationship at the time- but after one particular famine on the British Isles she confronted God for his actions, said he was overworking her.

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