Chapter Twenty

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   Now Gage understood. After seeing it with his own eyes he realized just how wrong Sera’s words were.

   It was a last minute decision, one he wasn’t sure he was going to go through with even after he asked Sera for her necklace. But it in the end he felt it was necessary. He needed all the pieces of this puzzle before he went to the Senator, he wanted there to be no doubt in his mind about any detail. He was sure Sera had been right about that much, that the Senator, her Uncle, wouldn’t hesitate to try and kill him if he sensed any weakness. And doubt was a weakness. To not be wholly sure of the thoughts in your own mind was a dangerous distraction.

   So instead of going straight to him Gage made a little side trip about halfway from where he sensed the Senator to be. That he could only do because of a thought given to him Jerry after Gage accepted the contract and came to this earth. He should have known there was something else going on here when the Senator didn’t ask to be introduced with the person he was entrusting such a vital matter in. Instead he took it for what it was and let Jerry do the work, and when everything was finalized Jerry gave Gage his perception on the Senator. A feat Gage had only known Jerry to be capable of, most likely because of his Voo-Doo background.  It was a mistake he wouldn’t be making again.

   Sera on the other hand, he sighed happily, he could find her without trying. It was how he transported from place to place, by riding on the energy waves that separated hell and earth. The key was to have a destination in mind or you would be caught in the current forever. He didn’t think that would be a problem anymore though. He wouldn’t even have to think about where he wanted to be, he could just close his eyes, let his form fade out of this existence and then appear at her side. He liked that actually, that he had found that tether to life. He’d have to give it a shot when this was all over.

   First though, he needed some answers which was why he wanted the necklace. So he could find Sera’s sister, Josephine.

   And find her he did, but she wasn’t alone.

   Gage had yet to make his form visible in this realm after traveling from Vancouver, he never did immediately. He needed to take in his surroundings first and make sure there weren’t any serious threats. Still though he felt like there were eyes on him…

   The two men did pose a threat, but not serious. Before either had the chance to rise from their seats when Gage did appear he had them both lied out on their backs on the floor. They weren’t dead, they had done nothing to him so he wouldn’t have been just in killing them. And without Death he couldn’t know how they were weighed so he figured he’d take the safer venture.

   Now that didn’t sound like him at all…

   “Oh thank the Lord,” a kindly voice sighed from behind Gage, “I felt like I couldn’t even breathe around those two. Men of the law do not mean men of God,” she harrumphed.

   Gage raised an eyebrow in surprise and turned to the plump woman with a grin. He had seen her when he arrived, but taking in the reading glasses, the rosary around her neck and the blue and white cap on her head he knew she wouldn’t take action against him. As a matter of fact he was delighted to see her look as if she wanted to kick both men while they were down. She wasn’t at all affected by his arrival out of nothing. Neither was the tiny girl working diligently at her desk for that matter. She didn’t so much as spare him a glance and that in itself was odd. He knew her to be mute, not deaf.

   He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting to see when he arrived here, but by Sera’s musing of her sister he assumed he would find a normal, healthy looking twelve year old girl. He expected her disability true, but never that it was so physically apparent.

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