Chapter Twenty One

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"No," Sera shouted, "just leave me alone!"

"I isn't goin' anywhere Sera, not until d'u stop an' listen tu what I got tu say."

"Say what you want, I'm not going back there!"

She pushed through his ghostly form for what felt like the endless time as she ran across the University's grounds. She knew it the moment she pushed out those oak doors where she was. The Dean's house. It was situated directly across from her own chapter's house, prime viewing for her Uncle as he made his last sweep eliminating the last of the Angels. A lot of grass that someone had deemed a "park" and a couple of one-way streets were all that divided the two.

Sera had often wondered if the Dean was spying on them, not because he would have any idea of her chapter's true motives, just to catch a glimpse of someone undressing. But the Dean himself wouldn't be witnessing the take down, or his wife. She had stumbled over their bodies in the hall, the Dean's wife with one clean bullet hole in her forehead, the Dean with an eerily similar wound to Lizzy's at his temple. It would be classified as a murder/suicide but Sera would bet her life it was only murder no matter appearances.

She ignored them though, put their deaths at the back of her mind and focused on those she had a chance of helping. Jerry on the other hand...the first time she passed through him she freaked out and stopped, spinning to apologize to him...until she realized that was exactly his point. From then on she just ran through his form every time he would appear in front of her again.

"Den don' go back d'ere," he insisted, "but d'u cannot go tu de dorm e'ter."

"I have to! I have to help Chelsea and Duncan, I won't let them get hurt too!"

"An' what about d'urself, huh? Do d'u not care if d'u die too?"

"It's my fault, I have to try and fix it," she said sternly and picked up speed no matter how her legs protested. Whatever Jerry had done to get them here had certainly taken a lot out of her, but she just didn't have the time to rest right now.

She could see her house through the trees and the flurry of activity as cars and SUVs were filled with equipment. There were people hanging out of windows, shouting to those on the lawn below them. She saw armloads of papers and computers being passed along like a bucket line, others running in and out of the house like bees to a hive. She thought maybe, just maybe, they might make it out.

Looking around she couldn't see any suspicious blacked out vehicles, no one she didn't recognize mulling around. There were a few kids playing Frisbee in the park, a few others hanging out on the stoops of the nearby houses, but she knew all the faces. It would only take a moment to change, one second and there could be cars screeching around the corners, men in masks appearing out of the bushes. But for now, for now she could be hopeful-

"Well 'e cares," Jerry found form and grabbed her as he shouted, spinning her around abruptly.

But Sera didn't miss a beat, "then where is he?" she argued, "Why isn't Gage out here trying to get me back instead of you?"

"Because 'e has other t'ings tu take care of-"

"Like saving my Uncle right?" she cut him off, "Making sure he's alright, right?"

She twisted out of his grip but he was in front of her again before she could take off. He was fast for a ghost wasn't he? Not that she had ever encountered one before...

"He is saving d'ur friend!" Jerry literally got in her face, his form passing over her for a moment before he reigned himself back, "He is in hell trying tu set d'ur friend free, dat is why he is not here!"

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