Chapter Eighteen

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     Looking at the shivering mass in front of him Lucifer dragged his clawed fingers over his chin in delight as he lounged on his throne. He had been standing there for what surely seemed to him like an eternity, suffering. His kind were not use to the cold chill of hell, no one was. No one could anticipate the soul deep agony that came with the frozen world Lucifer had been banished to millennia ago. He hated his brother for it, for instilling the fear in all of mankind of the different, of the unknown, leaving him to hide in this “underworld”.

   Truth was it was no more below those mortal’s feet then heaven hung above their heads. But the semantics were not important. Either way, if they believed themselves caught between their forever resting places or that they were of other realms, other plains of existence, didn’t change the fact that he was stuck here. He wanted so desperately to walk the earth again, to revel in the delights that only mortals could bring him. To watch as they waged their wars first hand, to indulge in the excess brought to them on the backs of others. He wanted to taste the blood of mortals, not the nearly tasteless imitation of blood their souls contained. He wanted to fuck his way through land after land and watch in horror when he revealed himself to the mortals, see the fear and regret on their faces when they realized what they had let inside their bodies. Maybe he’d impregnate a few females, force them to endure their pregnancy and bear his offspring. Because surely anything of his seed would, even in the womb, cause nothing but misery for their mothers. They would have to if they were to grow, they would need that pain to feed upon as their father did.

   No, he wasn’t always such a twisted fuck, but when revenge and hatred are all you are left to dwell on for as long as he had there can be no compassion left.

   And it was those creatures of that same sort he surrounded himself with now, those who shared his disposition. Either born that way or having grown to loath their former ruler as he had, those currently filling the grand hall had no more warmth in their black hearts then the frozen walls around them.

   Which meant they too despised the creature in front of them wholeheartedly.

   But he had come here asking for assistance, a request bearing some risk just to enter into this realm. A request he knew would not be fulfilled without a high price. His life Lucifer did not want, an eternity of servitude from him would accomplish nothing. If he was here then he had already given up, and that meant there was nothing more Lucifer could use against him to break his spirit. He would do Lucifer’s bidding, but one could be sure it’d be a half ass job no matter the threats of violence against him.

  Not that Lucifer knew what it was he came here to ask for exactly, he hadn’t given him the chance to give details. Not when he was still reveling in such a divine creature’s pleas for help, from Lucifer of all immortals.

   “I require some assistance,” he had begun, only to be cut off as that first shiver racked his body.

   For a moment he had even steamed in the frigid air after he appeared, his breath coming in puffs. But all warmth was swiftly robbed of his body, hampered even farther by the shiny metal armor he wore holding the chill against his skin. How quickly he was reduced to a shivering mass of flesh, unable to control the spasms of his body, the chattering of his teeth, even his blonde hair began to freeze into brittle lumps. Yes, Lucifer had found much amusement in this, enough so that he could no longer be upset at the intrusion.

   “What wish you?” he finally rumbled.

   Entertaining true, but he was sure what he had to say would bring that much more pleasure.

   “A-as I s-s-said,” he stumbled over his words, “I-I-I n-n-need y-y-your h-h-help.”

   Well this was growing old already. If he was going to stutter out every word he had to say then they would be here for another millennia before he spat out what he came here for.

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