Chapter Seventeen

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   “It’s not much different than the way you live I suppose,” Gage shrugged, “when there’s work to do I do it. When there’s not I’ll usually just mull around the realm, maybe take a trip to earth for some entertainment if I get really bored, the usual you know?”

   “Sure,” Sera laughed as she continued to draw circles idly on his bare chest, “the usual. Like moving between realms is no different than going to the movies…how many are there anyway?” she asked as she looked to him.

   He was loving that expression on her, that unabashed curiosity lighting her eyes as she lay naked atop his own naked self. Atop her had proven very enjoyable as well, but their back and forth brought a whole different vibe to the room. Still pleasing but on a deeper level, one Gage wasn’t aware existed in the realm of sex. Even showering with her had been, well, fun…

   Truthfully he thought maybe she stayed atop him to avoid any further contact with his wings that were currently dominating the rest of the bed. She hadn’t mentioned touching them again once matters found their way to the intimate. Of course that may have been because she was distracted, as was he…in everything that was Sera.

   Which is how this little game of twenty questions had begun, he wanted to know more about her, everything about her in a sentiment that felt vaguely familiar. Not tinged by suspicion or any other ulterior motives, they both asked their questions simply for answers, not for information. They both avoided anything current, asking instead background questions about each other’s living arrangements, family, upbringings. Sometimes she had more to say. Sometimes he did, but the silence was never long between them. And he was okay with that, enjoying the looks of understanding or consideration on her face as her mind learned to accept all the things he had to say that didn’t belong of her world…and the soft kisses in between. Albeit there were a few other contortions her expression had made not so long ago he had enjoyed just the same, surprise, pleasure, affection…though that one did bring with it its own sense of anxiety.

   Oh he was perfectly content letting her grow some attachment towards him- if just to level the playing field some- but until he got them both out of the predicament he landed them in the thought of any sort of relationship worried him. He hadn’t completely lied to Lucifer when explaining to him the situation. He was going to try his damn hardest to find someone else to pin the blame on. But when- when and not if- he did it wouldn’t take long to see that the one excused from fault was also the one in Gage’s bed. And though he very well could claim her innocence again another would look at it as merely an excuse to spare her rather than to seek out the true guilty party. And to spare a life would once and for all demonstrate the compassion he had hid for human life for so long.

   It wouldn’t get him thrown out of hell, tortured perhaps until he abandoned said compassion, but cast aside all the same. His status would be revoked, no longer feared knowing he had that softness in his black heart he would be abused constantly. He could hide here on earth, but that brought with it its own problems, namely Michael. Without Lucifer’s protection he surely wouldn’t hesitate to take Gage down. He would never have a moment’s rest again knowing that bastard could show up at any time and attack.

   And wouldn’t that be just lovely, for Michael to stumble across Gage and Sera playing house somewhere. It wouldn’t take him a minute to know Sera was a soul stolen, and then they’d both have to pay because he would certainly go running to God to tell him of the infraction. To which Gage would have his immortality revoked for being responsible for Sera’s death if only because he was there and could have prevented it. Even if that too was a big no-no, interfering in the life of a mortal and whatnot, most likely also an immortality revoking offense.

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