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The sun shines brightly, as I step onto the brick porch steps to a white house, it was very plain, but plain things can be very nice. From the looks the house looked to be two floors high. This plain little house stands in a suburban neighborhood in Upper West Side, Manhattan. I grew up there, so it felt nice to be back. I had lived in Midtown Manhattan the past four years for college. I attended a college right near Times Square, which to me seemed pretty cool. In the college I was dorm buddies with this girl named Jamison, but is called Jami. Jami majored in acting, and wants to be a director, she has this aspiration to open a studio, and she has done just that. After she graduated, one year before I did, she found this house in Upper West Side Manhattan, and purchased it with her saved up money, and started to put together her studio. I had yet to find out what the house looks like. She texted me pictures of it, but I wanted to see it with my own eyes, and experience it. The studio created things like series, music videos, and stop motions sometimes. All finished products get posted to YouTube. With over 7,000 subscribers, I say they're doing pretty good!

My eyes gaze up to the dark green door, I straighten my white blouse, that I had paired my grey wash jeans with. I make sure my hair is on point, okay maybe it's not on point. If you call a messy bun on point. I ring the doorbell and step back. A few second later, a girl with brown hair and brown eyes open the door. She is fairly pale and fair skinned, with some small beauty marks on her face. There wasn't any makeup on her face, she didn't like makeup that much. Though if it was a special occasion I made her wear some.

"Is that the pizza guy!!?" A male voice called.
"No!" Said the girl in front of me. She pushed her shoulder length hair out of her face, and stepped forward giving me a hug. "How have you been, Eliza? I swear it's been forever!" She exclaimed. "I've been good Jami, and it has hasn't it!" She pulled out of the hug, "Come in! I hope you like the place! Everybody is inside, I want you to meet them." Jami said. "Oh of course." I say, following Jami as she led me in the simple white house.

She led me down a small lounge room, that was furnished with small green couch chairs, that surrounded a square glass coffee table. There was also a small fireplace, it was comforting with the soft baby blue wall paper. I get led down a hallway, and into an opening on our right, where everyone was. It was a small kitchen, with granite counter tops, grey fridge and black oven. For a small kitchen, it was very nice looking. Which was weird, because whenever Jami cooks, she almost burns the house down. Very silly, yes she is.

Everyone greats me with a hello.
"Sorry not the pizza man." I say, laughing a bit.
"Yes, which sucks because I am hungry...w-woah...hottie alert." Says a dark brown haired boy with light brown eyes, "Kai look...." He whispered, nudging the boy next to him. The boy next to him was attractive, with jet black hair, and dark brown almost black eyes.
"Yeah I see her," he replied lowly.
Jami sighs, "that's Hunter the one who's hungry, he's a man whore."
"The one and only-.....wait! h-hey!"
"Silence...!" Jami said, "anyways everyone introduce yourselves."

Everyone introduced themselves. Including me there were 11 people in the productions; Hunter, Kai, Ryan, Ash, Matt, Amber, Niomi, Ellie, Skylar, Jami, and myself.
I won't lie all the boys are attractive, but I keep finding myself drawn to Kai, the tall boy with the jet black hair.
I want to get to know him, something tells me to stay away from the mysterious sexy boy, but my hormones tell me, 'Go talk to him!' I shake off those emotions, and clear my mind knowing I'd only make a fool of myself.

Forbidden Love (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora