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Hey! Sorry for the wait on chapter three. I was just on a week long camping trip, and I also had tests. So yeah. I found the time to finish chapter three. Hope you like it! :)

(Btw the places in this story are real places, like the street names. The coffee shop, Culture Express. Then the city the characters live in, obviously.)


Her voice brings me back to the reality of the moment, I take my hand off Jason's neck, this penetrating moment of silence from everyone needing an end.
Eliza walks over and grabs my free arm, pulling me away from Jason. She let go, and glared at Jason.

"Go! ...Leave me alone." She said sternly.

I look at Jason and scowl, I hate him! Tonight, I will find him and I will kill him. Jason will pay for hurting Eliza, he'll pay for cheating, lying, being an asshole, and hurting her. The whole thought of his existence made my stomach churn, he deserved to die.
Jason nodded and left. I was glad he was scared of my presence, it made the bad person inside me emerge with awakening. Sometimes it was a refreshing feeling and sometimes it wasn't. Though I ignored my brutal thoughts and looked at Eliza, focusing my attention on her.

"Eliza.." I say softly, "are you alright?"
She nods, "yeah...just a bit shocked is all."

I sigh, not being able to help myself, I wrap my arms around her in a tight hug. Her body stands still for a moment, reluctantly she wraps her arms around me as well. Everyone had started to begin talking a bit, things like this happens in New York often, something common city people just brush off. From my many experiences I have found that happens.

I hug Eliza for a few moments, I savored those small moments. I savored her smell, her sweet smell of vanilla and lavender, the feel of her skin on mine, the softness of her long dark brown hair. I wanted those small moments to last longer. Like an addiction I craved them, but once I pull back, she just stares up at me with those green jewel eyes.

"Eliza? Will you let me take you somewhere, to clear your mind and forget about that asshole?" I asked her, my hands at my side. It being just so tempting to just stroke my fingers across her cheeks softly. She looked so distraught, I wanted her to smile. I wanted to see her smile. I haven't seen her smile.
She looked up at me, though her eyes looked down, as if considering my offer. I put my hands in the pockets of my brown leather jacket, to at least give some reinforcement to my hands, wanting to feel her soft skin against them.

She looked at me, and nodded, "that'd be lovely, where would we go?" She asked softly.
I smile, "great, I know just the place. It's nice, it isn't far from here," I say.
"O-okay." She said, grabbing her drink from the table.

We walk out of Culture Express, and slowly begin to walk on the streets. I was gonna take her to Bryant Park. It was a nice pretty park, it'd be a bit busy. But it was a Sunday, so I didn't expect many people to be there. Which to me seemed nice, I don't like crowded places.

Eliza and I didn't speak on our walk there. We just walked in silence. But when we got there Eliza spoke up.
"Bryant Park?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd be a nice place for you to clear your mind."
She looked at me and smiled, "thank you."

Oh her smile, that smile. That smile. Her smile. It is so beautiful. But that smile reminds me of someone, and now I know. I know now. Rosy, it's Rosy. She looks like Rosy. My Rosy. I sigh a bit at the thought of her, too many bad memories...too many. Just too many.
Though I can't think about that right now. It's in the past. I can't act all depressed about it now. That was many years ago, I have to move on.
Just focus on Eliza. Just focus on the beautiful vixen.

Once Eliza and I get to Bryant Park, we head over to a small bench. We both sit down. There was a bit of silence. But our gazes always fell on each other. I stare into her eyes for mere seconds then look away. What a cheesy moment.
Eliza is the first one to speak. "H-hey..uh Kai?"
"I really appreciate all of this. It's really nice of you to do this." She says, twirling a small strand of dark brown hair around her index finger.
"I'm glad. I was a bit worried about you."
"W-worried..? I'm sorry I worried you. But you shouldn't be worried about a stranger."
"Eliza.." I begin to say, only just to turn and look at her. I reach a hand out, and stroke up her cheeks, with the backs of my fingers. My fingernails trailing softly across her lips. I stop, and cup her face with my one hand.
"Eliza, you put yourself down too much. I did worry, and that's okay. So, stop putting yourself down and accept the fact that a stranger worried about you."

She was speechless, she just stared at me. Perhaps trying to find the right words, or maybe thinking that I'm an asshole. After a few moments of silence. She spoke up.
"I'm sorry, it's just I'm not used to that kind of attention."
"You? A beautiful thing like you, not used to that kind of attention? Really." I say, utterly surprised.
She blushed a little, "Oh please, now you're just trying to flatter me."
Eliza laughed. I still crave her soft skin, the irresistible feel against my fingers. I want more.
I sigh, and chuckle a small bit.
"So tell me about this asshole Jason. Why does he keep bothering you?"
"Err...well..I met Jason 8 months ago, around the middle of senior year. We met at one of those frat parties. I was drunk, he was drunk. I woke up in his bed the next morning. I was beyond glad I wasn't knocked up or anything. But I guess as time went on we turned from friends to boyfriend-girlfriend. Then he cheated on me 4 months into the relationship. I found him pile-driving a girl in his dorm. I was livid, so I gave him a piece of my mind, and called it off right then and there. Then for the last 3 months he's been pestering me to take him back, and I keep ignoring him." Eliza explains, taking a deep breath from talking so much.
My fists clench. This makes me wanna kill Jason all the much more now, and I will.

I will kill him, I will kill Jason.


I see his fists clench up, I sigh a bit.
"Kai...stop. It's in the past. It's okay."
"No it's not. He hurt you." Kai said lowly, looking down.
"Well don't work yourself up." I say, lightly setting my hands on his. I grab his clenched fists. Hoping that he'd loosen his tight grip. I even start to caress the top of his hand with my thumbs. Thankfully, his grip loosened. He looks at me with such affection that makes my heart flutter. His expression softened.

"Thank you. You're right, you're right." He said softly, nodding his head slightly. I keep holding his hands, he holds my hands back. I love the warmth his touch gives me. I just want to keep holding his hands more. We both stay silenced, I don't respond to him, he doesn't respond to me. Well with words. Our gazes respond for us. I feel so attracted to a stranger I only just met yesterday. I don't why. Is it his looks? His personality I barely know? For whatever the reason, I want to get to know him. I wanna know everything about him.

I gaze into his intense brown eyes, our hands still interlocked. He lets go of one of my hands, but my gaze doesn't drop. He raises his hand, running his fingertips up my cheeks and into my hair. He grips onto my hair softly. I close my eyes softly and feel a light touch on my lips. Our lips collided in a soft sweet kiss.

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