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[] IM ON BREAK! YAY! So, with that said, I'm hoping to get a few chapters out this week. Because, I am bored asf. Anyways, this chapter is super cute. We finally get to learn Eliza's back story, that I have been trying to foreshadow so far. I think this chapter is again wicked cute. But! The drama will happen. Just you wait. Anyways, enjoy! []


"Here let me help you." I said, taking some bags from Eliza, as we headed back into the house.
We had just got back from shopping. Eliza only sighed, and I took some bags from her.
I set the bags down on the kitchen table, she did the same.
"I really appreciate this Kai, but you didn't need to buy all this stuff for me really...I feel horrible."
" many times do I have to tell you? I may not 'need' to, but I 'want' to."
She sighed, "Okay, okay. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now let's unpack all these bags."
Eliza giggled, "Alright."

In a hour and half we finished. Eliza sighed, sitting on the couch.
"Finally!" She exclaimed.
I laughed sitting beside her, "We have some things to talk about." I said.
"Oh okay. What's up?"
"It's nothing bad, but I want you to be able to come and go as you please."
"Yeah," I said, "this house, my house isn't in the real world. It's a realm in my mind."
"I don't understand."
"Like a different dimension, but it's a place in my mind, so only I can come here."
" have car..." She interjected.
"Yes, I'm getting to that in a second." I said.

She snuggled into me, laying her head against my chest. "Okay." She said.
I chuckled, and wrapped my arm around her, kissing the top of her head.
"Your car and my car are both here, because we can't walk everywhere. Of course I can just teleport, but people may see me, and it isn't practical all the time. So, I have to use my car. For example, I used it when we saw each other in Culture Expresso. Besides, anyone would find it weird if I didn't have a car."
"Because you're a demon." She asked, looking up at me.
"Exactly." I said, "but on to you coming and going. I'm gonna teach how to teleport back to the real world, and back to this realm."
"O-Oh?" She said, "how do I do that?"
"Well, all you have to do is think of where you wanna go, and say two words. This will work if you're in your car, so you don't need to worry about that. But, if you do teleport make sure no one can see you."
She nodded, "Alright, I get it. What are the words?"
"Non Dimenticar. It is Italian for 'do not forget'."
"Why those words? Wait? Wasn't Rosy Italian?"
"Yeah...she was. Non Dimenticar is the song I used to sing her when she was upset. It was also the lullaby we sang to our daughter. We heard the song when we first went out, it played in restaurant we were in. We've loved the song ever since. But, I chose those two words, because that's how I get to the place where Rosy and Raven are buried."
Eliza frowned, "Oh Kai.."
"Stop, it's alright."
"I know, it's just, I'm sorry for what you've gone through."

"I know hun. I know. Hey? You know what?"
"What Kai?"
"Why don't you tell me about yourself."
Eliza's eyes went cold and dark, she recoiled away me, as if I had slapped her. She got off the couch.
"I don't want to."
"What could be so horrible about yourself?"
"Shut up! Shut up!" She yelled.
I was confused, I didn't understand what I did to offend her. All I knew was that I didn't like her out burst.
"Eliza don't yell at me. You're being rather unfair!"
"I...I....I...y-you wouldn't like me if—.."
"If what?" I said, cutting her off, "if you told me about yourself? Really Eliza? I'm a demon, I enjoy killing and the taste of blood. I'm surprised you like me."
"B-But....I'm s-scared....I...I..I don't want to tell you."


I don't want to tell him about me. He'll look at me in disgust, and leave me. He'll leave me, because I'm not as pretty as he thought. He only likes me, because I'm pretty. I don't want him to leave me, if he leaves me, I have nothing.

Forbidden Love (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now