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I look at Kai. He's crazy just crazy, I thought.
A demon, what?
I peer into his crimson ominous eyes. I'm dreaming, I have to be. I'll wake up, and I'll be in my apartment—
I feel his hands on my shoulders, "Eliza..." He said softly, as if he's urging me to speak.
I let my gaze waver for a few seconds, before I speak, "K-Kai...I...I....I must be crazy right? Did I hear you wrong? Did you say you were...a..a... a demon?"
His hands go to my cheeks, I feel my skin prickle under his soft touch. "Yes. I am a demon. I can prove it to you. You're not crazy, you're not dreaming either."
"I don't want you to hurt me." I say shakily to him.
His eyes go back to their tender shade of dark brown, "Eliza, the last thing in my life I wanna do is hurt you. You're safe with me."
I find his tranquil words hard to believe, but I figure I might as well see him prove himself to me as a demon.

I sigh, "Go on, show me. Prove yourself to me."
He pulls his body against me, I don't even mind. I know I should. I should cower, and run away, but, no, I stay still and allow my body to be pulled against his.
I feel his large arms wrap around me on the bed, I realize I'm still wearing the dress from earlier. He sits on the edge of the bed holding me, he stands up, my legs wrap around his waist, my arms draping around him.
"There are many ways I can show you, Eliza." He says, his voice low.
I felt a wave of desire wash through me, but I ignored it. He carried me through his house, and to what looks like his living room.
He sat down on the couch, and looked at me in the eyes. The ebony lite room, reflected off the shot glass on the coffee table. I see the gun on the table too.
My gun.
Kai leans forward and picks it up, "Shoot me." He says.
"What!! No! Are you crazy?! That'll kill you!"
He chuckles, "You told me to prove myself as a demon to you, and that's what I'm doing.
"Eliza, no buts." He says, grabbing my arm from around him, and placing the rugar 22. in my palm.
"'re crazy..." I say, my eyes widened.
"Eliza!" He bellows, "I'm not fucking crazy! I'm opening myself up to you! Fucking appreciate that!"

His yelling caught me off guard, I looked down, my body shaking. I didn't want him mad at me, it scared me.
"Eliza.." He says softly, "I didn't mean to frighten you. Here, stand up."
I stand and back away watching him.
"Hand me the gun."
Afraid to disobey him, I hand him the gun.
"I'll do it," he says, "all you have to do is watch."
"...Kai..." I say, "I'm scared."
He laughs full heartedly, "Oh Eliza.." He says, turning the safety on the gun off, and aiming the muzzle at his chest— his heart.
I shut my eyes tightly, I hear a shot ring out, it pierced my ears. My body shaking from the shock. It was shaking as if I were standing in the Arctic with nothing on. I could hear the shot echo and ring in my ears.

I kept my eyes closed tightly, I was scared, and so confused. I feel hands rub down my arms, my shaking body easing under the warm touch.
"Eliza, open your eyes. I'm here, I'm here. You're okay, I'm okay. Everything is fine."
I open my eyes softly, and look into his eyes, my gaze quickly going to the wound in his chest.
"H-How..?" I ask, my fingers going to the blood pouring wound.
"I am a demon. What kind of demon would I be if I couldn't survive a simple human firearm?"
I stare blankly at him, my eyes watering.
"Goodness Eliza." He said, putting a hand on my cheek, his thumb wiping my tears.
"Okay...." I say softly, "I believe you. You're a demon."
I hear him sigh softly, "Where's the bullet?" I asked.
"It went through and hit the wall other," he said, pointing to the wall.

I look over and notice the imprint the bullet left.
"When does it heal?"
"Couple hours, but I should probably go clean the blood off."
"C-Can...can I?" I ask sheepishly.
"Can you what? Clean the wound?"
I nod.
He smiles, "Of course, anything for you."
His words make my heart flutter, his hand ran down my arm, where he took hold of my hand and walked to the bathroom.


She as blown me away, I am so grateful she's accepted who I am. But, if she saw the things I did she'd be disgusted. I push those thoughts away, and hand her a wash cloth, closing the door.
She begins to run warm water in the sink, plugging the drain.
Her dainty hands hold the green cloth. "Kai take off your shirt," she instructed, wetting the wash cloth under the water. I obeyed and took my shirt off, I could see her eyes widened as she looked at me in the mirror.
She could see my scarred chest, my defined stomach muscles, the bleeding wound.
I ignored the scent of my own blood. Blood in general effected me in a ravishing way. But I'm a messed up fucker like all the other demons.
Eliza rang out the wash cloth, and turned facing me, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." She said pressing the warm damp cloth to the bleeding wound. It stung a little, my jaw tightening.
"Surprised about what Eliza?" I ask, relaxing my jaw.
"About how fit you are," She replies, pressing very lightly wiping both my chest and back with the cloth.
I chuckle, "Hmm, I see.."
She blushed looking down, "Yes. Where is your first aid kit?"
"Behind you, in the medicine cabinet."
She grabs the first aid kit, and opens it, grabbing a gauze pad and a bandage.
"This will stop the bleeding until it heals in those short hours."
I nod, "Thank you Eliza."
She smiles, "My pleasure."

After Eliza tended and dressed my wounds. We stood in the dimly lit bathroom. She set the blood covered wash cloth in the sink, and washed her hands drying them off.
"K-Kai...earlier you said I reminded you of someone. Could you elaborate for me? Can you tell me why a demon such as yourself goes for a wimpy human such as myself?"

I sighed softly picking up my blood covered flannel. I toss it in the small trash can, along with the wash cloth. I wipe my hands on my jeans, still saying nothing.
"Haven't I already opened up to you enough?" I said in a low voice.
I don't like talking about Rosy.
Eliza rubbed her arms, "I-I'm sorry...I...I..."
I sigh heavily, "Don't take that tone with me. Come on, I guess I owe an explanation about that too."
Eliza said nothing, as she followed me out of the bathroom. I walk back to the bedroom, and grab another flannel, and slide it on, not bothering to button the buttons.
"Sit on the bed Eliza." I instruct.
She sits on the bed, fixing her dress. I think to myself that she is probably uncomfortable, I plan to take her home soon anyways, it shouldn't be much a problem.

Eliza looks up at me expectantly.
I sit next to her, on the edge of the bed. I want to wrap my arms asking her, and pull her body into mine, but I don't. I cease to touch her right now, even though my body aches for me to.
"Listen up, this story is a long one."
She nods, "Take your time. I'm here to listen." She says softly like a whisper.

So thus I tell her the story of Rosy, my beloved Rosy.

Forbidden Love (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now