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Eliza sat beside me, we weren't touching each other. We were just millimeters apart. I wanted to touch her, but I didn't.
I took a deep breath, and begin to tell Eliza the story of Rosy and I.
"It was 1960, I was 167 years old. I was in a small town in Italy. Lockton I believe, and I remember siting on top of a bakery. I remember how bright the sun was that day, but this girl even brighter caught my eye. I ended up watching her for awhile, that seems stalker-ish I know. But I watched her sit at the bakery, that had a cafe tied into it. She sat drinking whatever she was drinking, her sun hat casting a shadow over her face. I never actually saw her face until later. Though she had nice boobs.."

Eliza scoffed, and I smiled then continued, "On her way home she was attacked by some asswipe...he wanted her purse I believe. I took him off her, and yelled him a bit, he felt intimidated by me— the fucker. Rosy thanked me, and oh my hell Eliza she was gorgeous. She took my breath away. I had never felt my heart beat so fast, I never felt speechless in front of a girl. She had ginger hair, that was kissed by natural red highlights in the sun. She had this pale, luminescent skin that was dusted in freckles. I remember she got sunburnt very easily, I had to douse her in ten pounds of sunscreen whenever we went to the beach, or outside in summer. She was so b-beautiful." I said, pausing, my voice cracking at the word 'beautiful'.

My eyes watered, but I blinked, shaking my head. I felt Eliza soft hands against my forearm and hand. I swallowed and looked at her. In the ebony lite room, I could see her green eyes glistening with such care, she smiled softly.
"That's beautiful Kai..." She said.
"Beautiful..?" I repeated, wanting her to explain.
"It's beautiful how a demon can feel so much care, and love, and genuine passion towards a mortal, a human. It warms my heart hearing you speak like this, it also pains my heart to see that this subject also saddens you." Eliza spoke softly, leaning her head against my shoulder.

I understood what she meant, but I didn't respond with words, I softly laid my head on her own, my cheek pressed into her hair. The dark brown soft locks caressing my cheek.
I could tell Eliza was smiling, from the way she so happily breathed out of her nose.
"Continue," she said, "with the story."
I took a steady breath, and continued, "Rosy wanted to make it up to me, so she invited me out the next day. And, from there we hit it off, we started dating.....then she found out about who I actually was. She wasn't reluctant towards me at all. She honestly believed I was a good person on the inside, she loved me, and I was so happy to be loved. We were together for 3 years, and I proposed to her, soon after she became pregnant. I was so happy I was blind, and when she was in labor— child birth almost killed her. Her body was small and weak, she got sick quite often, and had to spend a week to a month bed ridden. When our child was born, she had given birth to a girl. And, Rosy had picked the name Raven for her. Rosy was such an amazing mother, kind and soft, she had this way with Raven, and it was so amazing. Though once Raven was seven months old, Rosy started to receive nightmares by a man named Hades. Every night Rosy would have these horrible nightmares, she'd toss and turn and scream through out each bad dream. I remember how much it worried me, and the look on her face could shatter my heart. I was up almost every night that month watching her, holding her in my arms till she awoke. I didn't know who was doing this to her until the end. One night I fell asleep before Rosy did and I awoke to the smell of fire. I got up, and saw rosy wasn't beside me, I panicked. The house was on fire. I screamed Rosy's name. No response. I went to Raven's room, and she wasn't there either, neither was Raven. I ran outside, hearing a laughter echo through my head. The laughter led me into the woods that was also on fire. I kept screaming Rosy's and Raven's name, but I got no response, until I saw a corpse in the field. I ran over to it.....and it was a Rosy...burned alive with our eight month old child in her arms."

"'I am Hades,' the voice said, 'you see Kairo, you can't fall in love with a human. Your father is upset at you, he won't be merciful for much longer, so I had to kill your beloved and your daughter for him.' Hades said."
Eliza looked at me wide eyed, and I squeezed her hand, taking a deep breath, staring off at the wall.
"Hades killed Rosy and Raven, because I'm not allowed to love a human, a mortal. My father hates my living, breathing happiness, I was becoming too mortal. I buried Rosy and Raven at a place I found a long time ago, a place where only I can find and I can go. So for the years after Rosy's and Raven's death, I secluded myself from life in my deep depression. I told myself I'd never love again, I'd never care so much about someone or be that happy again. From 1965 to 2016 I've been telling myself all that—"

"Until...I met you."

"So there you have it Eliza....the story of Rosy and I."


His whole story made me so sad, it made me wanna cry, but I couldn't burden him with my crying, so I held my emotions back. Though his words caught me off guard.
"Until you met me...? What do you mean? You just met me."
"I mean, that I care about you a lot. More than anyone right now, I'm just drawn to you. I like you a lot, and I want nothing to happen to you." Kai said, wrapping his arms around my body.
I looked up at him, and I felt the urge to kiss him. He looked down at me, and I leaned my face forwards, my eyes locked with his. Our lips pressed together, the kiss was soft, but deep. His mouth still tasted of the wine from before. I felt his hands sooth down my back, my arms wrapping around his neck, my fingers fondling with the jet black strands of his hair.

I didn't want this kiss to end, my lips and his were like two puzzle pieces, they just fit together.
My eyes were closed, between our kisses. Our breaths exchanging between each other. My heart was beating so fast, I felt the blood rush in my veins. His hands stroked up my back, and back down. I felt immediately aroused with a need, but I pushed my lustful wanting away.
Kai broke off, looking down at me, pressing his forehead to mine, our lips barely touching.
"Eliza.." He said, his deep voice low and delicious.
I swallowed, "Y-Yes..." I said.
"You keep kissing me like that, I won't let you leave this bed...."
My eyes widened, my heart beating faster. I immediately pulled away from him, "I'm sorry...!"
Kai immediately laughed, "I'm only messing with you. I won't do anything. It's getting late, you can sleep here, and I'll take the couch. I'll take you back home in the morning. Alright?"
I nodded in response

The next morning, Kai took me home as promised.
"Here you are," he said, opening the door of my apartment for me.
I walked in, but turned around to face him, he stood in the door way.
He stayed silent, giving me a look to urge me to speak on.
"I wanna see you again."
"Me too, I wanna see you again too." He said, taking a step forward.
He set his hand under my chin, his calloused fingers lifting it up. He stepped even closer. I looked up at him innocently.
"I'm not letting go of you, Elizabeth." He said, pressing his lips to mine dominantly.
There was still such a softness there that I desired. I could feel my heart once again beat faster. Though this kiss was short, unlike the last one. To my disappointment really, I liked kissing him.
He broke off and looked directly into my eyes.
"Until next time." He said, smirking slightly, dropping his hand from under my chin.
He stepped into my apartment so that no one could see him when he disappeared into thin air. As he teleported away, I felt a pang of longing in my heart, a pang of loneliness. I closed the door, brushing my fingers lightly over my lips. I could still feel his lips to mine, and I desired more. I wanted more of him.

I wanted more of that dangerous demon.

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