UPDATE: Discontinutation!

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Hello, by the title I'm sure you understand what this means. And, yes, I am discontinuing this book series.
For a few reasons!
One: I'd like to branch out a bit, and not just write supernatural/fantasy type stories. As I do like all genres.
Two: The person who helped create this story— we had a falling out. So, I feel uncomfortable writing further chapters.
Three: It would be rude to continue writing, since the person generally doesn't like me right now, and probably won't for a long time. But, oh well.


A new book is coming soon. I already have some ideas of what I want to do. I have a basic premise for it. But, I just have to work out some details.

This book will be a mafia style book. Don't know why dangerous mercenaries are my sweet spot. Hehe. This book will also have romance in it, but it won't be so top heavy starting off.

I don't want to give away too much!! But, I'm excited to start writing it!
Furthermore, I hope you enjoy your day, week, or whatever you're doing!!
Bye lovelies! <3

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