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Well hello! Hoped you enjoyed chapter four! Here's chapter five, hope you like it! (Oh yeah, tell Drake from Hotline I said hello XDD) --- Yay \(^3^)/


Oh my hell, she is gorgeous. She takes my breath away. I look her up and down, her tan legs looking so long and lean in those heals. The dress complimenting her curves perfectly. Her long brown hair straightened. Her bright green eyes shimmering, almost glowing to me.

She's so beautiful. I feel a little silly, compared to her. In my simple black suit, and black tie, and slicked back hair. I felt so bland, and plain compared to her.
She's sexy, I'd rather ravish her then admire her, but that's probably just my dick talking.

"You look beautiful," I say, grabbing both of her hands.
She blushes, and looks down, "Thank you."
I chuckle, gosh she is such a cutie.
"Come on let's go," I say, pulling her along, until she was at my side. I wrapped my arm around her waist, because I'm kind of a touchy person- or maybe I want all those men passing by to know that the vixen is mine.
The feel of her small body against my bigger one is so amazing. From what I could tell Eliza stands at 5'2-ish, and I'm 6'3. I tower over the poor girl, she has to crane her neck up everytime to talk to me, or at least give me eye contact. She's so little, which only makes me wanna protect her more.

"Where are we going?" She asks.
I breath in her lovely scent, "That's a surprise."
"A surprise? You're no fun."
I laugh, "Of course I am. I am loads of fun!"
"I'll be the judge of that." She said, looking up at me.
"I look forward to it."

We walk outside, and I hail a taxi cab. One stops, and I open the door for Eliza. She gets in, and I get in with her.
"Where to?" Says the cab driver.
"The River Café."
"Oh that place! I've heard of it, I've never been there though." Eliza says excitedly.
"I have. It's pretty good. It has a nice riverside view, I thought you'd like it."

Eliza smiles, and her smile only reminds me of Rosy's. Just the mere thought of her, and what happened really puts a damper on my mood. I've tried to forget. They say time heals, but time has healed nothing. I sigh softly.
I feel a hand on mine, I look over at Eliza, she has both her hands on mine.

She frowns a bit, "Is something wrong?" She asked, her voice soft, concerned, and sweet.
I can't resist her worried voice, "I am fine."
"A-Are you sure?" She asks.
"Yes I'm fine. Why should I feel anything but okay, while I'm next to such a beautiful women?"
In the dim light of the cab, I can see Eliza smiling. I can't tell if she's blushing, but I assume she is.


Once we arrive at The River Café. I step inside with Kai's arm around my waist. I do like how touchy he is. I like his arm around my waist, it makes my stomach flutter, and a smile comes across my face. I probably look like a total love struck idiot on cloud-9.

My mind has been trying to wrap it's self around what Jami told me.
Can I trust him? Should I trust him?
Well, tonight will answer my question. Though the thing is, I want to trust him.

A hostess walks over to us.
"Do you have a reservation," the blonde asks.
"I do." Replied Kai.
"What name are you under."
"Drakes. Kairo Drakes."
The blonde hostess, who looks like she could be on the cast for a Jersey Shores crossover with Dancing With The Stars, has a dark, but fancy smokey eye. Her bleach blonde hair, pulled back in a bun with a poof at the front. I see the hostess look up at Kai a few times. She was checking him out. I only roll my eyes in response, and look up at Kai to see if he's noticed the hostess's wandering eyes. I must have had a little annoyed look on my face, because Kai only chuckled and pulled me closer. I giggle softly.

"Ah, yes Drakes. Your table is this way, follow me."

The hostess brings Kai and I to a private room in the café. The room is gorgeous, the light tan hard wood floors were shiny. The wallpaper on the wall was fancy and Victorian. I just loved how the room looked.
There was a circle table in the middle, with a white table cloth over it. Shiny clean white plates were set out, with cloth napkins, and flatware.
Though, the view of the water was amazing. It is was dusk, and the sun looked so gorgeous. The sky looked like a child's finger painting. A dab of color here, and a dab of color there. It was so beautiful.
I take a seat at the table, so does Kai.
"Your waiter will be with you shortly." Says the hostess, she walks off- which to me is a total relief.

"Oh my gosh Kai! I can't believe this, you didn't have to go this far. I would've been happy with just going to McDonald's, honestly." I said.
He smiled, "I bet you would, but I wanted to do something special for you, and go somewhere special."
His words touched my heart, "T-Thank you. At least let me pay you back."
"No, no that is unneeded." He said.
"No buts, " he says, "hey, when we go to McDonald's...or wherever you like. I'll let you pay, sound good?"
I sigh, "Sounds good."
He chuckles, "Good."

The waiter walks in, and I appreciate that it is a male, and not some slutty female who will stare at Kai. I get jealous very easily.
The waiter takes our order, and gives us a bottle of wine. Kai pours my glass and his.
I take mine, and start to drink it.
"So Kai....tell me about yourself."
"Me?" He says, swishing the wine around in his glass, "what do you want to know?"
"Hmmm..what should I know about you that I'd never think to ask about."
He sips his wine, processing the question.
"Well, I have a horrible I can get out of hand sometimes when I'm mad...hmmm.. I really don't know."
"Oh I see. Well, I have a temper of 2.2 seconds. I get upset and mad very easily. So, we're in the same boat." I say, smiling.
Kai chuckles, "I better not make the hulk mad then."
"Did you just call me the hulk?!" I ask, my mouth open slightly.
"Yes, but I'm kidding. If anyone is the hulk, its me."
I laugh, "Yes, of course."

Kai's expression turned serious and darkens. His eyes look cold, I see where his gaze is. It's on my purse.
I raise an eyebrow, "Kai?" I ask, "You alright?"
Kai shakes his head, and nods, "Yeah I am."
"What made you wanna join the productions?" I ask.
His dark look scared me for a second- well it made me nervous. I am probably fretting over nothing, as usual.
"Hunter and I are friends, and he wanted me to join with him, so I did. Acting is okay, it's not my strong point, but I'm okay at it." He said, his voice sounding very distracted.
"What's your strong point?" I asked.
"Well, I am a carpenter, so wood working is my strong point. I like working with my hands."
"Oh I see." I say, smiling.
I sip some wine. I didn't wanna drill him with questions, but I wanted to know more about him.
"Can I ask you a question now?" He asks.
"Yes, I think you've earned it."
His expression goes dark and serious again. It makes me nervous. The pit in my stomach grew with trepidation.

"Why is there a gun in your purse?"

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