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It's been a few days since Kai invited me out, and the whole incident happened with the wine. He said that he wanted to see me again too. These few days have made me begin to contradict things. I keep telling myself that I am just over thinking. I haven't texted him, because I'm waiting for him to make the first move. From what I can tell, he likes to call the shots— so I'll give him that privilege with me.

I've been thinking a lot about Kai's story with Rosy and such. He's such a stoic guy, but deep down he's just masking the pain. And, that is what makes us alike. But, the difference is that I can see through his mask, he has yet to decipher mine.

I had told Jami about all of my exploits with Kai, except I left out the demon part. I never did catch the full story from Kai about what happened. So, all I remember is us fighting after he said that he was a demon, and me passing out after drinking the wine the waiter gave me. Next thing I knew I woke up in Kai's bed. I never caught the in between part of what happened. Knowing me, I'll probably ask, but knowing Kai he probably went all ballistic. So I ended up telling Jami a 'safe' version of what happened. I even faked one of those happy laughs I have, which sounds like a little child's giggle. I had to admit, lying to her sucks. But, if I didn't lie, and told Jami that Kai was a demon. Kai would kill me, for sure. Kai does scare me a little, he's so dangerous. I wonder if I'm playing with fire.

I got home from work, which currently I'm a barista at a popular coffee shop across the street from the hospital I volunteer at, and plan to work at once I get out of med school. Since I'm a barista I make some damn good coffee and tea.
I set my purse on the counter. It was so humid out today, my frizzy brown hair looked like an afro. It also felt like the makeup was literally melting off my face. You could get second degree burn by touching the tar streets, seriously— it was hot. I settled on getting some ice tea. I opened the fridge, and savored the cold air from it hitting my face, like it was Christmas in July. As I pulled the pitcher of ice tea out of the fridge, I heard my phone go off. Someone texted me, I couldn't tell who though. All the text tones sound the same to me, and besides it was a Monday, and I was spacing out. I wasn't really in the mood, either. I just wanted to drink my ice tea, and crank the AC up, and read.

I did realize there were more productive things to do on a day in summer, but me and the outside don't really get along. Not that I am a hermit or anything, I just was never active a lot as a child. I was a depressed child and teenager— you get the point. Though, I'll keep my story to myself for now. Although, once Kai told me his story, I felt inclined to tell him my childhood story, or at least some story in my life that was genuine. But, I don't even know if I can trust this Kai character— this demon who has my life in his hands, and can end it if he so pleases. So, I rather stay secretive about my past, and if it comes down to it— I'll just lie to him. I rather him not turn away from me in disgust. So, I'll lie, it's easier, right? It is easier sometimes, but it isn't right. So, I'll have to play my cards carefully with my demon admirer.

I pulled my phone out of my purse, with my book and ice tea in hand, and sat on the couch. I set the ice tea on the coffee table, my book in lap. I was midway between one of my romance novels, I love my romance books— because I am a hopeless romantic. Humor me. I looked at my phone, my heart thumped in my chest with anticipation when I saw the name. It was Kai.

Ding dong

What's that supposed to mean? Then I heard the subtle ding of my doorbell.


Those three days apart from Eliza made me grow more anxious to see her again, and feel the genuineness of her soul, and see her smiley face. I didn't like that I grew so attached to her so easily. Six days ago I met her, almost a week ago, and I felt a magnetic force between us. I want her acceptance. I want a bunch of things, but a unworthy demon like me doesn't not need them. I desire her, but I had to give her— her space.

Forbidden Love (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now