Chapter 1

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I suddenly woke up. I realizad that I was in his room. WHAT? "how?" I thought. I was really embarrassed of what could have happened. But... you must be wondering how I ended up like that. Well, here we go again.

It was our first day after saving money to buy our own apartment in the city of London. Bella, Lucy and myself, Sophie, were super happy about it, cause we'd been longing for it since we were in primary school. So our day arrived and we were at the airport with our luggage, seeing our families off. Bella, that was the most sensitive of us three, couldn't help but to cry. While we flew, Lucy and I tried to calm her down but without success. We were leaving our boring, but so beloved Buenos Aires for the great city of London.

Our taxi entered the city. We were amazed by all those skyscrapers and palaces, and the Thames that passed through them; it was an admiring sight. The taxi stopped and left us about 3 or 4 blocks away from our apartment in Picadilly Street. We, carrying our heavy luggages, walked until we finally arrived; wherever we looked were people walking, talking and a huge amount of cars were stuck in the street. "Woow" was the only thing we could say. We had a McDonalds right in front of our apartment and several hotels next to us as well. As we were about to enter our new apartment, I discovered that I didn't remember where the keys were.

"Er—girls..." I started as they turned to look at me"I can't remember where I left the keys" I said while searching my handbag for them. I turned it upside down and all my things fell onto the floor. There was no signal of the keys anywhere.

"Oh.Great." Bella said, throwing her luggage and sitting against the porch's wall. She was really hysterical. Lucy and I did the same thing, and sat in front of her.

"We'll have to wait until someone opens the door for us" analized Lucy.

"Logically"I answered.

So we waited and waited but no one came. Until: two guys, out of the blue, appeared. They seemed to live in the apartment as well, as one of them took a pair of keys out of his pocket. He was about to open the door when they noticed our presence. They exchanged a confused look.

"I guess you're stuck out here, right?"one of them pointed out. We all nodded.

"Well, then you're invited to come in with us!" We laughed.

The boy who held the keys unlocked the apartment door and kept it opened for us to go through. We picked up our luggages.

"No, no, no, let me do it!" The other boy said. He grabbed my luggage and the girls' and then we entered."By the way... I'm Steven. And he is Chris" He said pointing at the boy that opened the door. "And you?"

"My name is Sophie."I said."She is Lucy and that's Bella" I pointed at them.

"If you're new here we could show you quick the apartment, what do you girls say?" Christopher offered.

"Good idea. But first, could we leave our luggages?" Bella asked.

We had apartment number 224. This was on floor number 7, although there were about 20 floors. As we told Christopher and Steven our apartment number they were really surprised, as they had apartment number 222. They led us to our new house. 

We got into the elevator; it only had place for 3 so Steven and I travelled together all along with the luggages and Chris, Lucy and Bella travelled in another one. I was a bit nervous cause he was really hot: dark hair, blueish eyes and a big smile. While Chris was fair haired and had shiny light blue eyes.

"So... you three lovely ladies are new in here..." He was looking at me with his beautiful smile.

"Well... yes. But I don't think we are gonna last much the three of us together. We are very different, you know."

When will this ever end? #A McFLY story#Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu