Chapter 5

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His last four words broke me completely apart. Was it a nightmare? I couldn't seem to wake up. I never felt so guilty than in that moment. It was all my fault, the idea of making out with Danny for revenge, and the whole story about Steve and Bella (who by the way still hadn't shown up). All I wanted was to return home and sleep. I felt someone grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Steven. It was one of the persons I needed the most; Lucy.

"Sophie, do you want me to tell them we should get going?" She asked. I nodded. I realized that I was crying. She understood it all; she knew that I thought Steven and Bella were together when they both disappeared, that I wanted to take revenge when I took Danny with me, and that Steven almost broke my confused heart. The first reason was: girls intuition.

Lucy talked to Chris, who told the band that we should get going at the same moment Bells and Dougie appeared. As both the cars were from the band, they decided to take us three in one and other three in another.

"Are you ok?" Danny asked me when we were a few meters away from the cars. I nodded without looking at him "Any problem, just let me know, right?" he handed me his mobil number on a paper. I smiled at him and thanked him.

I entered the room and threw myself onto my bed. So many thoughts were running through my mind. I wanted to cry so badly. Bella and Lucy sat beside me.

"We want to help you, can we?" Bella asked me. I looked up at her.

"Bell, I'm sorry! I'm so stupid, I don't know what I was thinking! It's ALL my fault!" I couldn't help it. Words just went out of me.

"You don't have to apologize, Soph. There's only one thing that you can do right now; choose," Bella told me. I looked confused at her.

"Steve...  Danny," Lucy said more explicitly. "That is your problem. You like Steve. But you can't help it, Danny appeared in your way and he's... sexy," she admitted.

"And so sweet..." I added. But it wasn't right! "What's going on with me!?"

"Hormones" Bella said, shaking her head. "Well, at least I think. You can't fall for Danny that fast, can you?"

"Ok girls. Time to sleep. I'm only telling you one thing:" she pointed at me while she spoke, "I want a decision by tomorrow morning. Think about it in your sleep," and then she looked at Bella, "and yes, Bella. It's possible to fall for someone that fast." She added, reading her mind before she could say anything.

"What do you mean?" I suddenly asked her. "Do you think I'm already falling for him?"

She thought for a while, like thinking what she was going to say, then answered:

"Well, if I did, I think you can." Bella and I looked at each other questioningly. Lucy smiled widely and said: "Chris asked me out."

"WHAT?! When?!" Bella and I asked her surprised. She seemed really happy.

"At the London Eye. Now sleep. Good night! Love you!" And she turned off the lights.

The sunlight creeped into the room from the clouds when I opened my eyes. I looked at my watch; 10:30 am. Someone was knocking desperately on the door. 'Who the hell...?!' I stood up and walked to open it. I was a real mess. I couldn't finish opening the door when Chris and Zac stormed in.

"Hi girls! Didn't you get up yet!?" Chris asked, really excited.

"Come on, hurry! You gotta come!" Zac shouted at us.

"Could anyone explain to me what's going on?!" I asked them. Bella just turned the other way in her bed. Lucy stood up, smiled at Chris and walked into the bathroom..

When will this ever end? #A McFLY story#Where stories live. Discover now