Chapter 7

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"God, what's wrong with her?!" I murmured hysterically. "She reminds me of you when you arrived an hour ago. Where you in a hurry?" I laughed. But she remained silent. "It was just a joke Lucy," I suddenly added, "there's nothing wrong with it!"

"I wasn't." She slowly said. I laughed again but her face wasn't exactly showing happiness.

"Then, why did you run in such a way?" I asked still laughing a bit. She stayed in silence, again. And all of a sudden, a tear appeared in her eye. "What's wrong, Lu? Why are you crying? I didn't mean to..." She stood up and fetched her bag, which was somewhere nearby. She handed me a little box. My face transformed automatically. Oh... god. "Lucy... what have you done?" 

It was a pregnancy test box.

"I didn't mean to! But I'm so into Chris, and..." She was now sobbing non-stop, "and..." She broke down. I hugged her tightly while she sobbed. She wasn't really getting out of this one this time.

"So... you mean that you're...?" she nodded, crying even worse. "Lucy. Look. This is not a problem. Not at all. Ok? I'm your friend, I'll be with you in this, right?" She nodded again between her sobs. Suddenly, Bella opened the door. She was frozen. And she was carrying a...

"Where did you find that?!" Lucy shouted at the time she stood up and took a pregnancy test off her hands.

"It says 'positive,'" Bella said, still frozen.

"Well... Bella, we've got some news about Lucy that you gotta know..." I started.

"That's not Lucy's, Sophie." Bella said pointing at the P.T. in Lucy's hands in shock.

"What do you mean with 'that's not Lucy's', Bella?!" This couldn't be happening. I didn't really want to hear what Bella was about to say. 

"It's mine" She said.

She broke down and, just like Lucy, she started crying on me. Was I the only civilized person in that room? What was I supposed to do with two pregnant teenagers that did nothing but to lament themselves and cry? I had to do something quick.

"Ok, girls. Now please STOP crying, ok?" I said to them. Then, I grabbed them both and sat them on a bed. I had to find a solution. "Ok. Let's analyze the facts. Lucy, if I'm right, you did the test when you arrived today, right?" She nodded. "It was 'positive'." She nodded again. "Are you sure?" She nodded one more time. "Ok, Bella. You did it right now?" Bella nodded. "But... When the hell did you...?" And then I remembered. So... that was why Bella and that complete ass hole didn't appear for hours that night! I understood it all. "Bella... why?! You knew him just when you... well..."

"I know! And I'm sorry, It's just that he... hypnotized me or something! I don't know what happened to me... I think it was 'cause we were a bit drunk..." She continued crying.

"You won't solve anything crying, Bella!" I told her. " I suggest you take the test again. The same goes to you, Lucy, just to be sure."

Bella opened her bag and took 2 more P.T. out. HELL! Then, Bella entered the bathroom first. And then we waited. Lucy and I sat on the bed waiting and waiting. I hugged Lucy; she was still crying. And that was when I heard a loud scream.

"Bella?" I called as I opened the bathroom's door. "What's...?"

"NEGATIVE, SOPH! It's negative!!" She shouted throwing herself over me. "Thank you, Soph, THANK YOU!!"

"Oh, Bella! Thanks god!" I exclaimed. Then turned around to face Lucy. "I think it's your turn, Lu." Bella and I got out from the bathroom and let Lucy in. And now it was our turn to wait. We sat down, waiting for an answer. Bella was hysterically smiling. She couldn't stop giggling.

When will this ever end? #A McFLY story#Where stories live. Discover now