Chapter 6

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An hour later, we were knocking at McFLY's door. Dougie opened up and let us in.

"I'll show you the way to the rehearsal room" He said and we followed him. When we arrived, we found Harry at the drums, Tom standing there with his guitar and Danny, who was sitting on a nearby couch. I felt so guilty when I looked at him there sitting alone...

"Ok guys, now the creepy family is complete. Chris; Danny will teach you the parts that you have to play for this song." Tom said and handed him Danny's guitar. Danny showed him weakly some chords and then he returned to his seat. I could see in his face he wasn't happy, at all. The boys started playing loudly. Wow, they were good, and I never thought Chris was that good as well. This was the moment I was waiting for: Steve and the others were talking and listening to this 'new formed' band really entertained. I walked towards Danny and sat next to him. We remained silent, looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry you left," I decided to break the uncomfortable silence. But he didn't speak. "Danny... I got to talk to you." I finally said. He looked at me.

"Ok" He stood up and walked automatically out from the room. Fortunately, no-one seemed to notice. So I followed him. When we got to the next room, we stood there looking at each other.

"Danny... look. I don't know why you left the band, but if you did it because of... of"

"You?" He laughed. "Yes I know. You're happy with Steven, aren't you? I will stop invading your privacy, I'm sorry." He apologized. "But I just wanted to give you this" He introduced a hand in his pocket and handed me a folded paper. I just grabbed it and put it into my own. "At least... read it. Please."

I nodded.

"I will."

We both nodded and looked down at the floor. After a brief silence, I told him:"We should... you know... get back."

"Oh, er- yes." And we returned to the rehearsal room.

I sat and heard the rest of the song but then, Tom suddenly stopped playing his guitar. Dougie, Harry and Chris stopped as well, in consequence.

"What's wrong, man?" Dougie asked him.

"My mobile," he said, "'tis vibrating" He took out his mobile phone and answered. "Hello? ... Oh, hi Mr. Stewart! ... wha- oh! We completely forgot about it, we're sorry! Ok... alright, see you, then." He hung up the phone. "Dougie, are you stupid?" He shouted at him, angrily.

"Maybe, why?" He answered.

"You forgot to tell us about the interview with Mr. Stewart, you ass hole!!"

"Oh... I'm sorry," he replied while giggling at him.

"And? What the hell are we waiting for?!" Tom shouted at the boys. They all stood up.

"We are leaving as well, then..." Zac said looking at the girls and me.

"But I really need to practice my parts!" Chris said desperately.

"So stay here then, Chris! It's not a problem. We'll be out for less than an hour or two I guess..." Tom offered Chris.

"Humm... ok, but only if someone stays with me..." He looked automatically at his girlfriend. "Lucy...?"

She stood up from where she was and walked toward him.

"I'll have to think about it..." she said. Chris gave her a puppy face and she couldn't resist. "Ok, you win" And then they started kissing.

"Ok, ok, break it up you lovebirds!" Harry joked.

"Come on, let's go" Tom said "Oh, and it includes you as well, Danny" He told him. Danny wasn't planning to stand up. But at the end he had to. We all exited the room, leaving Chris to practice and Lucy staying with him. The band said their goodbyes at the door and left to the studio.

When will this ever end? #A McFLY story#Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz