Chapter 3

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I was woken by a murmur all around me. My head was on Zac's naked chest, which made people start dirty thinking. Suddenly, Bella appeared at the door. She looked at me for a second in a a mad way and then walked angrily away. Steve stood next to me with a disappointed look on his face. While Lucy and Chris both looked at us. I stood up and ran after Bella, after looking at Steve, who shook his head.

"Bella! BELLA! Wait!" I found her sitting against the corridor's wall, with her head between her knees.

"Bells, it's not what you think! What happened back there..."

"Oh! You're gonna tell me that it was a mistake, or that it probably was his fault or that he was too drunk to go up to the roof again?!" She was now standing and shouting the hell out of her.

"Exactly! That was it! He walked me to the room for a blanket but he was too drunk and threw up" I explained to her, although knowing that she wouldn't believe a word of what I was saying.

"Oh, yeah? And that's why his t-shirt magically stripped out of him, right?!"

"Well, yes. He actually threw up on it"

"Ok, Sophie. I don't know if I should believe you. This time you went pretty far. And on my own bed!!" he turned around and walked towards the elevator.

"But Bella!" It was too late. She was already going under. Where? Only she knew.

I stormed into apartment 224, where everyone else was. They all looked at me, like asking for an explanation (except Zac, who was still sleeping).

"Ok guys. Nothing happened" I said this looking at Steve, who looked at me still disappointed. "Zac was drunk and I stayed here looking after him." Lucy nodded at me, like if she understood it all.

"Ok, we need to go for... my jacket!" She said while exiting the room, carrying Chris out with her. I stood a meter away from Steve.

"Steve I'm... sorry if you... think that something happened last night between Zac and me. But if you do, then you're wrong. Totally wrong. I just looked after him, that's all! He was too..."

"I believe you, Soph." He said while placing a finger on my lips. I instantly shushed. "I know Zac, and he's always too drunk to do anything. Don't worry, you can trust me."

"I... you really do?"

"Well, yes. And besides... you're too beautiful for me to say I don't..." He was a few inches from me, when...

"OH man! I don't want to see that before I have breakfast, really!" Zac exclaimed while suddenly sitting on Bella's bed. I sighed in annoyance. Fuck. Piss off, Zac. Suddenly, Lucy and Chris entered the room carrying Lucy's jacket with them.

"Well, we're back"Chris said. But he looked at Steve and my owns face and realized what was going on. "Oh, not again, Zac! You did it again?" He asked him.

"You don't want me to have breakfast either?! Fuck you, Chris!"

It was 13:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone was still in apartment 224, waiting 'til Bella magically showed up. But it was not working.

"Look" Chris suddenly said "I'm sorry, but standing here and doing nothing won't solve anything."

"I've called her twice! But she won't answer the phone." Lucy said, throwing her cellphone away.

"I'll go find her" I exited the room.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Do you think we should go?" I heard Steve saying.

"Yeah, let's do it." Zac answered him and stood up. Then, everyone followed me.

"Sophie, wait!" I heard Zac shouting back at the apartment door. I turned around and looked at everyone behind me.

"Any possible place where we can find her?" Steve asked Lucy and me, while we walked across Picadilly Street.

"Well... maybe she went to the London Eye." I said " We talked about going to it soon."

"Or maybe she's there." Lucy pointed towards some place. It was a McDonald's, the one which was right in front of our building.

"Well, of course!" I said. And Lucy was right. Bella was sitting at a table, completely alone. She was having a drink. "Hey guys, I think I should... you know, talk to her."

"No you don't" Lucy stopped me. "She won't hear you. Oh come on, you already know Bella!"

"Maybe I should do it." Zac added. He walked towards the fast food restaurant, without receiving any answer, and slowly towards Bella. She looked up and saw him. Then she nodded. He could've probably asked her to sit down with her. Zac sat in front of her and started talking. Bella was looking down at the table in an upset way, but then she showed him a lovely smile. Zac stood up, went to hug her and kissed her forehead. Then he walked out and towards us again, leaving Bella there sitting on her own.

"In you go." He told me, pointing back at the restaurant. And I did exactly what he told me. In a few moments, I found myself sitting in front of Bella. We stood silent for about a minute or some, which seemed like an eternity. When I finally opened my mouth to say something, Bella abruptly interrupted me.

"Shall we ask for a doubblecheese one?!"She smiled excitedly at me.

I looked confused but then smiled back at her.

"Sounds great!" It seemed to me that Bella was trying to avoid this theme in particular, so I kept going with the flow. Later, everyone appeared around us and we told them to take a seat. We all asked for our combos and ate happily. Everything was well. Bella and I were back to normal (at least I supposed) and no more trouble. But that little doubt was pissing me off.

"Bella" I started when everyone was in the middle of a big discussion. "Why did you...?"

"Oh, Sophie, you know I would never get mad at you 'cause of a guy's situation" She interrupted me, but with all her attention at her huge doubblecheese burger. "You're my friend, right? I trust you." Then, without even looking at me, she turned around to face Steve and started talking to him.

Was she doing it on purpose? How come she wasn't mad at me but she didn't pay any attention when I talked to her?

"We could hang out tonight... I dunno, maybe we can go to the disco!" I heard Bella was saying in a low voice. And she was telling it to... STEVE?! Oh, great. I got to do something. I knew exactly what she planned.

"OH, that's so cool Bella! Hey guys: Bella here says we should go to the disco tonight!!" I said in a very loud voice, so that everyone could know.

"Great idea, Bella!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Oh, great!" Chris added "An actual party!"

"Ok, so I think we should get going, then. So that we can change and stuff." I said.

"But... It's just 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon!" Zac exclaimed at us.

"Duh! And you think you really know women?" I told him.

"Shall we go?" Steve asked while standing up.

Everyone nodded and we headed back to the apartment.

When will this ever end? #A McFLY story#Where stories live. Discover now