2°°New Class,New Teacher,New Threat

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The bell rang and my friend Brandon and I ran to our lockers. We were late since we both missed the bus. And that was because we were neighbors.

Dialing in my combination, 1020, I grabbed all my books and headed for class. Brandon also headed to his class. Upon entering the classroom, I noticed some people were missing. The teacher wasn't even in the class.

Maybe that's why there are people missing here. I wonder what's going on...

Just as I subconsciously said that, our teacher, Mr . Daffe walked in. I took my seat next to my friends Kai Michaels, Byron Lopez, Zachary Brown, Monte Crippen, Santo August, Brandy Morris, Antonio Perez and Dre Miller.

"Eh, good morning class" Mr.Daffe said in his heavy French accent. "Excuse me for coming late. There was a staff meeting that involves your class...So today will be a little different. We will be merging both classes today. Instead of having our regular 25 students, we'll be 50" he continued.

Now that's just crazy! 50 people in one class? How will one teacher handle all of that? Wait...One teacher?

"What about you,sir?" Zac asked. He always worried about Mr.Daffe. I mean, we all did. Mr Daffe was the nicest teacher in the whole school. To my friends and I, he was family...like a grandfather. We were lucky to have him as teacher,as old as he was.

He was an elderly man, maybe around 60. About 6'2, dark skinned, skinny and...not very attractive at all, but he was a nice guy...If you didn't provoke him.

"Unfortunately, I resigned yesterday" he said. Everyone was beyond shocked. Even me. Questions sprung all over the class and Mr. Daffe sighed.

"Guys, it's about time I retired. I'm over 60. How long do you think it would've been before I collapsed from all the drama of being a high school french teacher? I just want to rest..."

More complaints came from the students, but some were actually glad he was retiring. Byron was one of those people since he and Daffe never really saw eye to eye....

Mr Daffe explained that once we merged with the other class, Miss Crocker would take over as the class teacher. After those announcements, Daffe took his stuff and left. Just like that, he was gone. We didn't even get the chance to give him a proper goodbye.

A few minutes later, a woman walked into the classroom. She had on a lilac sundress and black pumps. Her long dark brown hair tied up in a neat bun. She was caramel skinned and very beautiful. She could've been in her late twenties. Her smile radiated the room and we all gazed at her in curiosity.

"Yo waddup. I'm Miss Candice Jones, but y'all can call me CJ. That cool?" She asked. I could tell that everyone already liked her, by the way they were grinning and nodding at her.

"Cool. I'll check y'all later...Peace!" CJ said as she walked away.

"I like her already..." Nio said and Kai smacked his head. Nio is Antonio Perez. He said there were other Antonios in the school, so we call him Nio. We laughed and the bell rang.

Our lessons went by as usual. Crocker told us to meet in the gym for a class meeting with the other class.

It was just after break when our classes were called to the gym. All 50 of us filed into the large room and took our seats. We waited for about 10 minutes so we could settle down and the teachers walked in, standing in front of all of us.

"Good afternoon,students. I'm sure some of you are wondering why you were called here. Well firstly, we would like to officially introduce the new History, Music and Life Skills teacher, Miss Candice Jones..." the principal, Miss Braxton said.

The Tutor (Jacob Latimore Story) [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now