4°°Oh,So THAT'S Ramon

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The bell had just rung and my books were already in my hands. I was always the first one to leave the classroom because I was in a rush for the day to end.

The next class was history,which was the only class I tolerated. But now that Daffe left, I wasn't so sure.

I wonder who the new History teacher is. They've already gotten a new french teacher, so I'm curious about the history teacher.

I was just about to enter the class when I heard someone talk about a party. I backed up a little and saw that group that was staring at me earlier.

I was about to leave when I heard that almond headed girl say that she has to tutor me. ME! I was right behind her when she said those words and I was beyond pissed. Her friends looked terrified as they pointed at me. She turned around slowly and looked scared out of her mind.

"What!?" I asked harshly.

The girl started stammering and muttering words I couldn't understand.

" U-uhm don't you remember? You asked me to t-tutor you in e-english" She said, probably pissing her pants. She looked at me pleadingly, begging with her eyes.

I looked back at her, staring intently. Looking back at her friends, I could tell that she was trying to get out of whatever they wanted her to do. I know the feeling - trying to get out of doing something you didn't want to do.

So she was just making an excuse?

I grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her to the side so I could talk to her for a second. She slightly winced in pain, but I didn't loosen my grip.

"What's your name?"I asked her calmly.

"T-Taylor" She said.

"Why the hell you gotta involve me with your problems?"

"I-I...I'm sorry! I panicked. Just help me out.  Please! I swear I'll pay you back" Taylor begged.

She actually thought I was finna hurt her. I guess she's exactly like everybody else in this damn school, so why should I help her?...You know what? Lemme just get this over with and move on with my life.

"Fine. But you owe me" I finally said. I let go of her arm and walked away as I told her to meet me at the city library, loud enough for her friends to hear me.




OH MY GOD!!!! What the hell have I gotten myself into!? What does he want me to do in return? I am so stupid! And I have to meet this guy at the city library. Wait. Nah I think he was just saying that for my friends' sake.

I went back to my friends and we all went for history class. Miss Jones was there, so I guess she was also our new History teacher.

The lesson went on and all we really did was learn about the second World War. The crew and I were discussing the work when Miss Jones announced that we were having a project.

"So this project is on what kind of punishments there were throughout the whole war. Which means how Germany was published, how Jews and other races were published and what happened after World War II. Imma tell y'all your partners in a few weeks,so I'm giving y'all time to get to know each other. This is so that y'all don't have a problem with whoever I choose to pair y'all with" She said.


Everyone in class started talking and and I groaned. That seems to be something I do a lot these days. I didn't want to get to know anyone! It was bad enough that Taylor Harris started talking to me and got me involved with her friends. Now I had to socialize with my classmates for one project.

The lesson ended and was just about to leave when Taylor stopped me. Everyone including Miss Jones left so it was just us. She looked nervous. She was talking for a while but there was only one thing going through my mind...

Oh my god! Why the hell does she always have to talk to me!? I do her ONE favor. ONE! And now she thinks we're friends. Friends ain't scared of each other...but what would I know? THE POINT IS...This gotta stop.

"...and maybe we can forget about everything"She said.

"The hell you talkin about?" I asked. She looked frustrated but repeated anyway.

"I-I was saying that I'm sorry for...dragging you into my life issues. S-So I won't involve you anymore. And maybe we can forget about me owing you...and stuff" She said.

I was getting angry already. First she wants me to make excuses for her and now she wants me to let her go just like that? Fat chance!

"I ain't gonn' let you go that easy. We can forget everything else, but you still owe me. And when I need you to do something, you gonn' do it" I said and went to the principal's office while people went home.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'Come in'. I opened the door and walked in,closing it behind me. Principal Zoe Braxton smiled at me and I smiled back.

She was the only one I ever smiled at and she preferred me calling her Zoe. Zoe was the only person in this school who understood me. Well...The only one who understood my situation. In fact, whenever I had a test or exam I would write it here in less than 10 minutes (Coz I'm a genius!) and she would grade it. Any test I wrote outside of this office wasn't counted, but that was between me and Zoe.

What, you thought I was stupid? Bitch please.

"How are you doing, Ramon my boy"Zoe asked as I sat on a chair. I sighed heavily.

"I'm...You know..."

"Mhm...Well I have your test results. They're all good,except one"

"What? I did bad in a test? No. You kidding"

"Actually I am. It's 100% on all test except History. You got 98% in History",Zoe laughed. I laughed too. I have never failed or gotten below 90% in anything. It just wasn't natural.

" I just don't get why you fail on purpose. People need to know that you aren't stupid. They might even respect you for it"

"No, no. I don't want all that attention. I'm fine the way I am" I said and Zoe nodded.

After taking my papers from Zoe, I hugged her goodbye and left. Since school was over I was heading home. As I walked I got a call from my dad. He sounded angry. I was guessing that it was 'cause of Crocker. She had probably called him and told him lies about how 'bad' my grades were.

In fact,I'll bet he's gonna give me some lecture about my life and school. If only he knew...

I got home and went straight to my messed up room. Dad came in at some point, but I barely aknowledged his presence. He gave me the usual lecture and left. Before I went to bed, I checked up on my older siblings. My brother Isaac was playing Call Of Duty Blackops and my sister Keira was on the phone, as usual. After that I just went to bed.

Finally it's the weekend!

The Tutor (Jacob Latimore Story) [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now