Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Song of the Chapter: Goodbye by Miley Cyrus

(A.N. I will include more creepy songs as we get into the story so 12- do NOT listen to them. Thanks :)

*Evie's POV."

Mum gasps, and Bri lets out a cry. I stay there frozen. Dave smiles his crooked smile. I take a deep breath as I'm comprehending this information. My name just got picked. But I never get picked.

"Go." Mum whispers. I nod my head. Bri reaches for me, but I shove past her, and make my way to where the four are standing. I look back at my crying Mum and sister. I look away.

"Everything will change if one of us gets picked."

Tears start to roll down my cheeks.

"It's the luck of the draw."

We all get into the limo, and we start to head to the village.

"I don't want to go!" Jessica cries.

"We all don't." Jake mutters under his breath. He seems calm about this. So does Drew. Probably trying to act tough cause' there boys.

"Where are we going?" Honey asks.

"To the village to grab our things." Drew says.

"Nooo!" Jessica wails. I look away. I can't watch anymore.

Soon, we're at the village. As soon as I get to my house once I'm dropped off in my neighborhood, I break down in tears.

"Mum I don't want to go!" I sob as she rushes over to me with a sobbing Bri. "I'm only 16 it's not fair!"

"I know." She says. We all hug. Then, I slowly head upstairs and pack up my things. I walk back down and set my bag and suitcase down.

"Please promise me to stay strong and safe." Mum says, and I nod.

"Evie I love you so much! Don't die please!" Bri says. I kiss the top of her head.

"I'm gonna try for both of you." I whisper. The vampire driver honks the horn. I wave goodbye to my family, and get into the limo. I watch as they watch us drive away.


I'm the last one to be dropped off after we crossed the fence. Tears stream down my face. It's really hard to hold back all of these emotions that I'm feeling right now. I can't help but cry silently to myself.

There's a visit day, but I doubt Mum and Bri will visit me. Bri is afraid of vampires, and Mum hates them.

"Weya heya." The German driver Chalem says in his thick accent. I think he meant to say "we're here". I slowly get out of the limo with my bags, and stare at my new house. I have to say, it is HUGE. It looks like a castle- no it IS a castle.

"Your new-a home." Chalem says, coming behind me and ringing the doorbell. I gulp and step back. I hope it isn't some creepy old guy. I see vampires roaming the street, and start to get an uneasy feeling about this place. Of course, it is infested with killers.

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